MUGLUNG, Aug 20: One-way traffic has resumed on the Prithvi Highway which was earlier obstructed by  a landslide.

CHITWAN, Aug 7: One-way traffic has resumed on the Prithvi Highway in Ichchakamana Rural Municipality-4, Chitwan, following a landslide in the Nagdi River area. The road was blocked early this morning around 7 o'clock due to a landslide involving large boulders.

MUGLING, July 11: One-way traffic has resumed on the Prithvi Highway.

KATHMANDU, July 9: One-way traffic has resumed on Araniko Highway after 14 hours of blockage.

KATHMANDU, June 23: The Dumre-Besisahar road section which was blocked due to landslides triggered by  incessant rain has been opened for one-way traffic.

BANEPA, July 4: The BP highway has been opened for traffic after the obstruction caused due to floods in Mamti river in Roshi rural municipality was cleared. One-way traffic has been resumed with the joint efforts of police, the rural municipality, road project and locals.