KATHMANDU, Sept 15: A year ago, an amendment to the Judicial Council Regulations sparked a conflict between the Bar (legal practitioners) and the Bench (judges). Nepal Bar Association (NBA) insists that the process of appointing judges should not proceed until the amended regulations are repealed.

KATHMANDU, Sept 1: The Nepal Bar Association (NBA) is planning to stage a protest at the Judicial Council today. The NBA has been demanding the cancellation of the first amendment to the Judicial Council regulations. However, after a meeting of the Judicial Council was called for 1 PM today, the NBA decided to protest at the Council.

KATHMANDU, Jan 24: The Nepal Bar Association (NBA) has asked to immediately scrap the recent amendment made to the Judicial Council Regulations, 2074 BS.

KATHMANDU, Sept 20: The Nepal Bar Association (NBA) has criticized the recent amendments made to the Judicial Council Regulations.