Substance abuse, also known as drug abuse, refers to the harmful or hazardous use of psychoactive substances, including alcohol and illicit drugs. Drug abuse has been a serious global problem that has affected millions of people globally including Nepal.

KATHMANDU, Oct 11: A dead body of a young man was found today on Bagmati river bank near the vegetable market in Baneshwar, Kathmandu Metropolitan City-31.

KATHMANDU, July 18: In the last fiscal year 2022/23, the police arrested 5,611 people on the charges of being involved in drug dealing and consumption.

KATHMANDU, June 26: Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Home Affairs, Narayan Kaji Shrestha, has said combined efforts are needed to combat drug abuse and manage its multidimensional consequences.

KATHMANDU, June 26: A morning procession was organized today to raise awareness against drug abuse and illicit trafficking.

KATHMANDU, August 30: The cases of drug abuse and smuggling have increased sharply in the past three years in Kanchanpur. Youths carrying the drugs such as brown sugar, charas, and nitro vet are arrested on a daily basis.

BANKE, Jan 31: The rate of drugs abuse and smuggling dropped by 13 percent this year compared to the previous year.

Your daily dose of missed important news of the day.

KATHMANDU, July 29: Statistics prepared by the Karnali State Police Office (KSPO) show a high incidence of drug abuse in Karnali Province in the past three fiscal years.

KATHMANDU, May 19: The government is set to celebrate a week-long International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking from June 20-26. The awareness campaign aims to stop drug abuse and its illicit trafficking.

LAHAN, Feb 17: On Wednesday, Udayapur Police arrested two youths from the border while they were transporting 917 ampoules of liquid drugs from India into Nepal. Police have has filed a complaint against the arrestees Ganesh Gupta, 26, and Om Prakash Rai of Triyuga Municipality-6 on the charge of drug peddling.

Two held with drugs

October 31, 2018 07:25 am

PARASI, Oct 31: Police arrested two persons in possession of drugs from Bardaghat of west Nawalparasi.