Failure is Not an Option for Nepal

June 10, 2024 10:25 am

Nepal's susceptibility to the impacts of climate change underscores the urgent need for decisive action and substantial financial assistance. Despite this pressing need, Nepal's efforts to attract the necessary climate finance have been notably inadequate.

KATHMANDU, Sept 2: Kagbeni, a picturesque village in Mustang district, woke up to the shock of a devastating flash flood on August 13, 2023. Besides the unfortunate toll of the disaster resulting in damages worth millions of rupees, an alarming development has emerged — a surprising surge in heavy rains and ensuing floods in Mustang and Manang, regions renowned for their rain shadow status attributed to limited rainfall.

Climate Finance and Accountability

September 29, 2022 06:56 am

Nepal implemented 609 climate-related projects between 2013 and 2017 that amounted to USD 1.92 billion. Despite pouring billions of rupees in the name of adaptation, the data from the University of Notre Dame, the Netherlands, shows the adaptive capacity of Nepal has gradually declined in the last two decades of this century.

One of the most vulnerable countries in terms of climate change in the world, Nepal warrants a great deal of attention in managing vulnerabilities and to ensure the development goals are sufficiently resilient to withstand environmental shocks that the future may bring.

GLASGOW, Nov 8: Governments will push for agreement on Monday on how to help vulnerable countries deal with global warming and compensate them for damage already done, a test of whether developing and rich nations can end a standoff over cash for climate change.