It is said parents are the ultimate role models for their children. This was true in case of Ankit Sharma, the son of well-known Nepali actor and director Ashok Sharma. Following in his father’s footsteps, Ankit chose the film industry for a career. Ankit, now 26, first came to fame in 2019 with the film 'Rato Tika Nidhar Ma'. He started acting as a child, participating in his school plays. "My teachers used to encourage me to participate in various plays and then I became fond of acting," said Ankit. During his days in school, he landed a number of roles in theaters. One of the defining moments in his career was when he played the lead role in the musical drama 'The Lion King' (2010) by Jyoti Man Sherchan in which he played the role of 'Scar'. This not only catapulted him to a sudden fame, but also helped him to decide his future career. Over the years, he also played small roles in other plays such as 'Pied Piper' and 'True West'.