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My City, Gen-Next, Slammed

Worldly happiness

I see you and imagine you being caressed within my arms Oh, baby, you lent your hands to me with a pure feeling and you deserve to be loved.
By Sauravi Regmi

I see you and imagine you being caressed within my arms

Oh, baby, you lent your hands to me with a pure feeling

and you deserve to be loved.

But the truth is that

I cannot give you worldly happiness

You belong to someone else's arms, 

which can light on the switch of your emotion

Which can distract you from loneliness and

Which can burn a fire in your belly and

make you realize you are worth remembering.

So one day you could get convinced that

miracles exist within your lovely soul.

Baby, you are far away from me now but

you exist in your little world 

like our small world of broken memories before.

An enthusiasm is inside my mind and 

now that I have realized that our bodies though apart

my soul is adjoined by a feeling of the common good for you.

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