Sauravi Regmi
Sauravi Regmi
My City, Gen-Next, Slammed
La Parfum
La Parfum

The sight of trees
Becoming prototype of nature
Changes my humor
My body becomes like a smiling child.
Nov 23, 2021

My City, Gen-Next, Slammed
Dear youth
Dear youth
Dear youth,
To the fire in your eyes, the passion in your hearts
The vision in your mind, the courage in your approach,
The smile in your face, the commitment in your goals
Faith appears and disseminates
Sep 23, 2021
My City, Gen-Next, Slammed
Flowers, worth a gem!
Flowers, worth a gem!
Flowers are something that I admire the most.
The introvert in me sometimes finds peace
while scanning elegant flowers in my garden.
Sep 21, 2021
My City, Gen-Next, Slammed
The Monkey
The Monkey

The monkey on drapery clothes
wiggles its tail and
Showcases its cheap tricks.
A road dancer jumps
Looking at monkey's yellowish banana teeth
Aug 26, 2021

My City, Gen-Next
The filthy alleys
The filthy alleys

The evening's frost melts.
The smell of steak whiffs up.
It's 6 p.m.
The windy days' chilliness,
And now there's a thunderstorm,
Newspapers flying from abandoned lots,
Feet are surrounded by tender leaves.
Jul 30, 2021

My City, Gen-Next, Slammed
Lanes of shadows
Lanes of shadows

Passing through lanes of shadows
There, my dreams wipe my mind
As I set expectations for accomplishments,
I see the city fighting and see the reflections of fulfillment,
In the paradox of achievements.
Jul 25, 2021

My City, Gen-Next, Slammed
Tiring suburb
Tiring suburb

On a drowsy and frenetic evening
My brain gets stuck by wordings
Maybe someday I feel it chases
words like a chess player,
Crazily yearning for a queen piece.
Jul 20, 2021

My City, Gen-Next, Slammed
Worldly happiness
Worldly happiness

I see you and imagine you being caressed within my arms
Oh, baby, you lent your hands to me with a pure feeling
and you deserve to be loved.
Jul 16, 2021

My City, Gen-Next, Slammed
Kiss me in the rain
Kiss me in the rain

Kiss me in the rain with your wet lips.
Make a mark on my body with your bite.
Take me to the sun and sit beside me until the wound dry.
Jul 11, 2021

My City, Gen-Next, Slammed
Goddess Saraswati
Goddess Saraswati
A soft tune cuts the cold silence,
creating new music, a new tone.
As strings vibrate her mind enlightens.
She plays the song, a sound charisma.
Jul 06, 2021