Unified Socialist urges PM to end parliamentary obstructions

Published On: May 26, 2024 04:51 PM NPT By: Republica  | @RepublicaNepal

KATHMANDU, May 26: The CPN (Unified Socialist) called on Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal today, drawing his attention to a prompt need to end the parliamentary impasse. 

A delegation led by the party chairman and former prime minister Madhav Kumar Nepal visited Prime Minister Dahal at the latter’s residence in Baluwatar with the urge to ensure an end to the obstructions in parliament.

The delegation submitted a memorandum to the prime minister, calling him to take the opposition into confidence through meaningful dialogue to end parliament's obstruction and address the citizens’ problems through policies and programs and the budget. 

In response, PM Dahal said he is making efforts to find a way out of the parliamentary impasse through talks and discussions. He assured that the parliamentary proceedings will be regular very soon, according to Unified Socialist Vice Chairman Pramesh Hamal. 

According to sources, Unified Socialist Chairman Nepal expects a decisive initiative by the Prime Minister to end the parliamentary obstructions, promising all sorts of cooperation towards that end.



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