Photo Courtesy: Sensu
As a certified dental surgeon, during my practice I have heard so many myths. My patients say “Tooth Decay is a Curse” “Gauko manchhele shrap diyera daatma Kira lagyo” and they prefer to go to shamans “Jhakri”. They even believe jhakri can treat them and somehow they feel good for few days but unfortunately, the ghost is still there that urge them to come to us. I try to convince them “That’s not the truth, that’s a myth”. We are here to cure your problem not the shamans. So if it’s not curse, then what it is?
Tooth decay is simply a disease that is caused by different bacteria “Dante Kira” and is an irreversible demineralization of the tooth structure. The tooth decay is the outcome of what we do with our teeth. If we consume more chocolate, sweets, we might develop the disease. The ghosts “the bacteria” are there and they love sweets. Those bacteria are the acid producing machine and the acid is the enemy of our tooth. The acid causes tooth decay.
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So what shall we do? Here’s a list of things we should do when our tooth decay:
- Gargle with lukewarm salt and water.
- Use ice pack if there is pain.
- Take painkiller from the nearest Pharmacy.
- Brush with fluoridated toothpaste and soft toothbrush.
- Visit a certified dental doctor as soon as possible.
Then here’s a list of things we should not do:
- Do not go to shamans for cure.
- Do not put olive oil.
- Do not use salt and oil.
- Do not use pepper.
- Do not take antibiotics without prescription.
- Do not use toothpicks.
- Do not smoke.
To avoid tooth decay you can adopt following good oral hygiene habits:
- Gargle after every meal.
- Brush twice daily with fluoridated toothpaste.
- Floss daily.
- Use mouthwash.
- Use straw to drink juice, soda, cold beverages.
Most Importantly, visit a certified dental doctor every 6 month for screening of your oral cavity and let others know the fact that we, ourselves, are the reason of our tooth decay. And “Tooth decay is a disease not a curse.” After every treatment, fortunately, I have succeeded convincing my patients. They have changed their mind about the myth. Let’s spread the awareness and let everyone know about the truth.