I remember my weight (OK, mass) being 35 kilograms when I measured it years ago. That was fine at that age as that was the age to gain height. According to the popular belief, age before 20 is the age to gain height and beyond that, breadth. Now I am 21 (and 75 kg), and I feel that’s okay. I realized the popular belief was true when I saw the radius of my belly increasing. Yes, I gained weight surprisingly.
When I was slim, I used to think that it is easy to lose weight. Just exercise a couple of hours each day, and you would be slim, was my thought. Now I know that I was wrong. I know now how hard it is to walk the talk. Now I know why most of the fat men are funny. Now I know that it is easy to gain weight than to lose. Eat more dal-bhat (carbohydrates) and meat (protein) and get sleep 2 hours a day just after lunch, you will gain weight. Oh yes, don’t forget to sleep eight hours at night too.
Here's how your food plate should look like when you are on a w...

Obesity is not always bad. There are a lot of advantages as well. You would prefer to listen to your almost daily fighting neighbors rather than accosting and consoling them. You should not climb tree for guava because your friend will understand the situation and throw it for you. You just need to give a good catch. You would see the picturesque village from where you can reach rather than climbing to the peak. You would never run on the count of three in the middle of the way to your friend’s house. You would sit wherever and whenever while your friend seems to be giving you standing ovation. Most importantly, everyone in your community would give good compliments about your looks as fatness means healthy and eating without jealousy is good. Also, there is no chance of your parents accusing you of using cannabis no matter how much you abstain from books. You would sweat easily meaning you did really hard work. Furthermore, you look like your father meaning you all know that.
However, fatness does not look good at all and that too at the age of 21. No girl would like to take a guy as a husband whose shirt's button should be stitched twice a week. Although, if you managed to impress a girl, then you would not also get chance to enjoy tight hugs fully. Moreover, you should go through boring stuff—exercise, as fatness could bring a lot of health complication. And I believe doing exercises regularly an hour a day requires two hours a day of motivational class regularly. There are lot more disadvantages of getting overweight which you would get to read, but rather than searching those stay updated about your weight otherwise there is nothing than to look at your yesteryears' photographs and be nostalgic.