A group painting exhibition, ‘Reminiscence’ kicked off on Sunday at Classic Gallery, Patan. The exhibition will continue till December 15. The painting exhibition showcases works of renowned artists such as Jeevan Rajopadhyay, Meena Kayastha, Pramila Bajracharya, Prithivi Shrestha, Sagar Manandhar, Samundra Man Shrestha, Sangee Shrestha, Sarita Dongal and Uma Shankar Shah, providing variations in a single exhibition.
As per a press statement, Rajopadhyay started to recollect the ideas from the ambience of Krabi, Thailand where he has used color-splashes and beautifully balanced strokes that reveal the path of his emotional experience.
Ninth National Art Exhibition in photographs

Shah’s work delves deep into the controlled color strokes with a painting knife and creates an ambience of an imaginative cityscape. The painting dominated by warm colors and city life can be visually experienced. He connected himself to his work to explore more imaginative forms.
Then Bajracharya’s figural emotions authenticize her own expressive language in painting. Not to forget the work of Dongol: She explored various forms extracted from the nature. The rhythmic values and the extensive use of attractive colors reveal the beauty in nature. The forms seem to make a new way and dialogue between the objects and the subjective connection is interesting to visualize. On the other hand the unique facial structure can be depicted on the work of Sangee where the emotional attachment of human feelings can be glorified.
The press statement further mentioned about Prithvi’s work. It mentioned that through metaphor and symbolic gestures, Prithvi created his own vision. The background was visually and emotionally balanced with intricate small details. Samundra Man Singh painted Bhairva- traditional mask dance of Nepal. He captured the speed and rhythmic gesture of the dance with well-defined details as per the press statement.