KATHMANDU, Dec 6: NMB Bank Limited has announced a series of financial literacy programs (FLP) that will focus the micro, small and medium-sized enterprises.
For the program, NMB Bank and Federation of Nepal Cottage & Small Industries (FNCSI) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) according to which FNCSI shall conduct FLP program among its 45,000 members jointly supported by NMB Bank Ltd. Amongst the 45,000 members of FNCSI 9,000 are women entrepreneurs.
NMB, NBI join hands for financial literacy program

The MOU was signed by Govind Ghimire, Chief Business Officer, NMB Bank and Dambar Prasad Regmi, Secretary-General, FNCSI.
According to a press statement released by the bank, the financial literacy program will focus on aspects of Micro, Small and Medium Sized Enterprises whereby it will guide the participants in securing financial resource for their business and utilizing the resource optimally. The FLP is expected to impart a set of skills and knowledge to the participants through which they can take effective financial decisions.