NC CWC meeting underway to finalize by-election candidates

Published On: April 4, 2024 12:45 PM NPT By: Republica  | @RepublicaNepal

KATHMANDU, April 4: The Nepali Congress (NC) Central Working Committee (CWC) meeting is underway to deliberate and finalize the party’s candidates for the upcoming by-elections.

The meeting was scheduled to commence from 9 AM this morning at the residence of President Sher Bahadur Deuba in Budhanilkantha.

The party leadership failed to reach a consensus on the selection of candidates during initial discussions on Wednesday afternoon.

In preparation for the by-elections in Ilam and Bhajang, NC President Sher Bahadur Deuba has been engaged in continuous meetings and consultations over the past three days.

For the Ilam-2 constituency, District President Dambar Khadka and Besh Raj Acharya are among the contenders seeking the party’s nomination.

Meanwhile, in the Bhajang-1 constituency, Jagat Joshi and Abhishek Singh are vying for the candidacy.


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