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My City

It’s her? Ether?

A divine smell of lavender perfume through my nostrils  Of her, that pounded my heart and gave me love thrills I lifted my head, an alluring angel I saw, She had none, null, not a whit of flaw
By Arjeeb Shrestha

A divine smell of lavender perfume through my nostrils 

Of her, that pounded my heart and gave me love thrills

I lifted my head, an alluring angel I saw,

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She had none, null, not a whit of flaw

Closer she came, more, a bit more, too close

Two’s hands on parallel waists, as from the dawn sun rose

In my mind, I thought, love of my life, it’s her

Then in my desk I woke up, kissing, bold print that spelled Ether


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