Along with giving an instant lift in your eye’s appearance eyelashes also protect the eyes from dust, sand, and debris. Here are some ways you can achieve long, healthy and beautiful eyelashes using different oils:
Olive Oil:
Olive oil contains a compound called Oleuropein which is responsible for increase in hair growth. Using olive oil in your lashes can make it long and healthy:
Essentially yours

How to use it:
• Firstly prepare with 3-4 drops of olive oil and 1-2 cotton swabs
• Now pour a few drops of olive oil on the cotton ball and apply it to your upper and lower lashes
• Leave the oil on for 5-10 minutes, and then rinse it off with lukewarm water.
Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is widely used for prevention of loss of hair proteins. Thus can also be used to treat thinning and damaged eyelashes leading to their growth.
How to use it:
• You will need 1 teaspoon of cold-pressed coconut oil and a bunch of cotton swabs
• Be careful before applying the oil; cleanse your lashes with mild soap and water before patting them dry
• Dip a cotton swab in coconut oil and apply it along your upper and lower lash lines and avoid getting the oil into your eyes as it might cause irritation
• Leave the oil on overnight. Rinse it off the following morning.