There are many people who have decided against obtaining their Bachelor’s degree right away.[break]
“I took time off after high school because I wanted time to decide in which field I am really interested in so that I don’t have to regret later thinking I joined the wrong field” says Aaditi Kharel, 18, who is now pursing her BA in EIT from Informatics College.
For others it can be an issue of not obtaining the necessary grades to move on or unfortunate financial situations that have a hand in delaying a degree.
Having space between high school and a BA there are many ways that time can be utilized. While some focus entirely on what they want to study others gain experience by working or volunteering at various institutions.
Rekha Bhandari, 22, who has completed a BA in Social Work said the purpose of her gap year was to decide what she wanted to study so resuming school had been her goal all along. To back up her point she said, “I think I made the right decision by choosing a subject which suits my interest”.
The general consensus suggests that people, like Bhandari, are happy with their decision to take a gap year.
The set back of obtaining a degree late is overshadowed by the fact that many are able to decide what they want to pursue by gaining work experience or by discovering where their interests lie, as opposed to half heartedly rushing into a degree.
Vivek Rai, 25, says it´s due to his family, "They never gave up on me [and] believed in me, I needed to prove my self as well,” which is why he is now at Shridiwa School getting a BA in social work.
Manali admits, “Since there was a gap in my education, initially I had some difficulties in returning back to studies” but follows with, “Going back to school was quite interesting for me. I had new friends and obviously they were young and more enthusiastic. The benefit is that you can capitalize on their enthusiasm, especially for me in film-making, it opened a new perspective.”
For those of you considering taking a year off Kharel suggests avoiding jumping into something you’re not interested in. “It takes time so think about it a proper way and don’t listen to others as this is your life”.
If you’re nervous about going back to being a student Rai says, “It’s not difficult, you should [return to school], it´s all [in] our minds, there is no shame in it. I studied with people 6 to 7 years junior to me, I was never ashamed, just believe in what you are - that is all matters, one must be able to stand for oneself.”
The next time you’re worried about what the next chapter in your education is going to be, take a step back and consider Manali’s advice, “Based on my experiences I suggest you to take a break from studies and gain some practical skills. Before plunging into any professional arena, it will definitely be a plus point if you have some experiences. But be sure that you utilize your time off in a rewarding way”.
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