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My City

Dedicated to all fathers

Daddy,  With every passing day,  And every passing year He nurtured my soul Like a farmer cultivating his soil.
By Kriesha Pradhan


With every passing day, 

And every passing year

He nurtured my soul

Like a farmer cultivating his soil.

On rainy days,

He held a brush in his hand

Ready to paint a rainbow 

In the vast blue sky.

Every step I took,

He stood beside me

Like a candle

He was always ready to burn for me.

Every battle I fought, 

He was my armor

Shielding me 

From the darkness of the world

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Every grin of his is like another ray of the sun

Always making the day a little brighter

We created memories endless as the sea

And have so many stories, still left to be.

When I first opened my eyes,

He was holding my hand

And I know that like at the beginning of my story,

He will be with me till the very last page.

And one day, 

He’ll show me he’s toothy smile

As a star high above in the sky

And with one hand on my walking stick.

I’ll wave back to him 

Whilst tears streak down my cheek

For he is my craftsmen

Without whom I would be completely shapeless.

He put into my grace, character, and life.

And I know that he will be there, always

Because he is the angel with a halo above his head

Who carved footsteps for me.

Not to follow but teach me how to carve my own?

He is what I believe in

And the heart that beats inside of me

With every passing day.

And every passing year

He grows a white hair

While I grow more courage

He loses more teeth.

And I gain more chapters to add to my book

The book that he started 

And the one that he filled with pastel colors.


I promise you that each page will have your smile

And each word your delight

I promise to you,

I will celebrate you not only today

But at every breath I take.

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