Kriti Bhuju and Dinee Tamang

Bhuju holds a doctoral degree in Development Communication and is an Influencing and Communication Specialist at Climate Resilience for Communities project of Mercy Corps. Tamang is a Resilience MERL Advisor supporting Mercy Corps’ multi-country resilience flagship program M-RED in a regional role across Nepal, Timor-Leste, and Indonesia.

Using anticipatory actions for improved monsoon readiness: Learning lessons from the Third National Dialogue

Published On: July 8, 2024 08:43 AM NPT By: Kriti Bhuju and Dinee Tamang

At the heart of disaster risk management is anticipatory action, which provides a proactive strategy for reducing the catastrophic effects of disasters. The 3rd National Dialogue on Anticipatory Action (AA), which took place in Kathmandu on May 9 and 10, recently offered an important forum for discussing and improving plans for enhancing readiness and response during the monsoon season.