My Republica

Bidhya Neupane

Bidhya Neupane, 24, is a dedicated development professional in Nepal, focusing on social change for marginalized communities, especially women, youths, and children. With expertise in project design and implementation, she holds a gold medal in Development Studies from Kathmandu University. She actively engages in climate adaptation and digital education and co-founded the "Digital Heroes" campaign in Nepal. She works as a Project Manager and Communications and Documentation Officer at ARD Kavre and has extensive experience working in community development. A UNESCO Madanjeet Singh SAF scholarship recipient, she aims for policy-level impact in social development.

From Weakest to Strongest: My Journey from Nepal to Luxembourg

Published On: June 29, 2024 09:40 PM NPT By: Bidhya Neupane

A country's future heavily depends on the capabilities of its youth. As the world grapples with significant transboundary issues like climate change, conflicts, and inequality, it is important for young people like us to view these global challenges as our own and seek ways to address them.