My Republica

Jalasa Sapkota

The contributor for Republica.

Digital Accessibility: A Gateway to Inclusion for Individuals with Disabilities

Published On: March 3, 2024 08:30 AM NPT By: Jalasa Sapkota

In our increasingly interconnected world, where digital technology permeates every aspect of our daily lives, it's undeniable that it has revolutionized the way we function, making tasks easier and becoming an indispensable part of personal and professional growth.

Decoding Women’s Desires

Published On: February 5, 2024 09:00 AM NPT By: Jalasa Sapkota

In Simone de Beauvoir's contemplation of womanhood, she challenges us to surpass mere biological definitions and resist reducing women to clichés like "the eternal feminine." Acknowledging the existence of women, she compels us to grapple with the question: What is a woman?

NHRC's Retention of A status and Disability Rights Advancement

Published On: November 30, 2023 10:00 AM NPT By: Jalasa Sapkota

The recent decision of the Subcommittee of Accreditation (SCA) within the Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI) to retain the status of the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has generated optimism among various advocacy groups in Nepal, particularly those championing women, LGBTQ+, indigenous, and disability rights.

Teej Festival: Exploring Essence of Inclusivity

Published On: September 14, 2023 09:15 AM NPT By: Jalasa Sapkota

Festivals are synonymous with rejuvenation, closeness, and togetherness. However, the true essence of these celebrations can often be compromised, rendering them less enjoyable for certain groups, particularly those with disabilities.

Inclusive Strategies for Disabilities in Nepali Politics

Published On: August 7, 2023 08:35 AM NPT By: Jalasa Sapkota

In the pursuit of a truly equitable and just society, it is essential to recognize the crucial role of marginalized communities in the political arena. Among these often overlooked communities are persons with disabilities (PWDs), who constitute a substantial segment of the global population.

Leaving No One Behind: The Path to Disability Inclusive Development

Published On: July 24, 2023 08:30 AM NPT By: Jalasa Sapkota

In today's world, the significance of disability-inclusive development in achieving sustainable development goals and upholding human rights has never been more crucial. This article delves into the essence of disability-inclusive development and explores the pressing need for its implementation.

Need for authentic portrayals of disabilities in films and literature

Published On: July 11, 2023 09:00 AM NPT By: Jalasa Sapkota

The power of film and literature lies in their ability to captivate our minds and transport us to different realms of imagination. Yet, when it comes to depicting individuals with disabilities, these artistic mediums frequently miss the mark, propagating stereotypes and lacking genuine and nuanced portrayals.

Inclusive Education in Nepal: Challenges and Possible Solutions

Published On: June 20, 2023 09:00 AM NPT By: Jalasa Sapkota

The concept of inclusive education embodies a holistic and nuanced approach, with the primary objective of fostering parity and fairness in accessing education of the highest quality for individuals, irrespective of their diverse abilities or disabilities. This approach recognizes and upholds the inherent right of every individual, including those with disabilities, to be integrated into mainstream educational settings and receive the necessary support to fully engage and excel in their educational pursuits.