Ishwari Subedi

The contributor for Republica.

Will PM Oli get a two-thirds majority in trust vote?

Published On: July 18, 2024 10:47 PM NPT By: Ishwari Subedi

The possibility of PM Oli getting the votes of all MPs who voted against Dahal is now gradually decreasing. The parties that had voted against Dahal, including the Rastriya Prajatantra Party (RPP), Janata Samajwadi Party (JSP) Nepal, and independent MP Yogendra Mandal, seem to be in confusion about whether they will vote for Oli.

Over two dozens bills stalled in previous parliamentary session yet to be registered for deliberation

Published On: May 3, 2024 08:58 PM NPT By: Ishwari Subedi

KATHMANDU, May 3: Out of the 27 bills that were rendered inactive in the House of Representatives and the National Assembly between 2074 and 2079 BS, as many as 26 have not yet been registered in the federal parliament.

How secure are the positions of parliamentary committee chairpersons amid change in power coalition?

Published On: March 6, 2024 11:00 AM NPT By: Ishwari Subedi

KATHMANDU, March 6: With the recent shift in the power alliance, the question has been raised as to how secure the positions of chairpersons of the parliamentary committees are. While the chairpersons of these committees are elected by a majority vote, a two-thirds majority is required to remove them, making their position somewhat insecure.

Former lawmakers’ forum mounts pressure to legitimize its statutory rights in HoR regulations

Published On: January 31, 2024 09:00 AM NPT By: Ishwari Subedi

KATHMANDU, Jan 31: The former lawmakers’ forum is trying to assert its influence in the parliament. The forum is advocating for the inclusion of its statutory rights within the parliamentary regulations.

Parliament's suggestion should reach Ministry of Finance by March 28

Published On: January 24, 2024 12:35 PM NPT By: Ishwari Subedi

KATHMANDU, Jan 24: The government has introduced an ordinance requiring authorities to discuss the principles and priorities of the budget (pre-budget) three months before presenting the budget in each fiscal year. On the recommendation of the government, the Fiscal Procedures and Financial Responsibility Ordinance (First Amendment) 2080 BS was issued by the President on Wednesday, January 18.

Winter session of federal parliament to be held in mid-February

Published On: January 13, 2024 09:00 PM NPT By: Ishwari Subedi

KATHMANDU, Jan 13: The government will convene the winter session of the Federal Parliament in mid- February. The Council of Ministers has already recommended the president to convene the winter session of parliament.

Concerns arise over personal interests during discussions on Constitutional Council Bill

Published On: January 8, 2024 02:00 PM NPT By: Ishwari Subedi

KATHMANDU, Jan 8: The provision for the Constitutional Council is made in Article 284 of the Constitution. For the recommendation of appointments of the Chief Justice, heads, and officials of constitutional bodies, a system has been established with six members, namely the Prime Minister as the Chairperson, Chief Justice as a member, Speaker of the HoR as a member, and Deputy Speaker of the HoR as a member.

Winter session of parliament falls uncertain

Published On: December 24, 2023 04:45 PM NPT By: Ishwari Subedi

KATHMANDU, Dec 24: The government has been indecisive about calling the winter session of the federal parliament. The four months from Paush (mid-December to mid-January) to Chaitra (mid-March to mid-April) are considered the time of the winter session of parliament. But the government is preparing to call the session only in Magh (mid-January to mid-February).

Terms of these 20 MPs will end on March 3

Published On: November 30, 2023 12:30 PM NPT By: Ishwari Subedi

KATHMANDU, Nov 30: The terms of 20 members of the National Assembly will come to an end in March 2024. Among the departing MPs, 18 represent various clusters, with six from other groups, seven from women's groups, two from persons with disabilities or minority communities, and three from Dalit groups. Additionally, the tenures of independent MP Dr Khimlal Devkota and the nominated MP Bimala Rai Paudyal, appointed by the President, will also conclude on March 3.

Police fire half a dozen tear gas shells and water cannons in Balkhu to disperse the crowd

Published On: November 23, 2023 02:55 PM NPT By: Ishwari Subedi

KATHMANDU, Nov 23: After the protestors tried to enter the restricted area in Balkhu, Kathmandu, the police fired half a dozen tear gas canisters and water cannons.

Conflict of interest as MPs of business background included in parliamentary committees

Published On: November 10, 2023 11:00 AM NPT By: Ishwari Subedi

KATHMANDU, Nov 9: The scope of work of the committees under the House of Representatives is to oversee twenty-five ministries and their subordinate agencies. There is a rule that bars lawmakers from taking up any position in the committees if there is a conflict of  interest. But this rule does not seem to have been followed.

Business-oriented lawmaker in committee with conflicting interests!

Published On: November 9, 2023 09:30 PM NPT By: Ishwari Subedi

KATHMANDU, Nov 9: The scope of work of the committee of the House of Representatives has been set to look at twenty-five ministries and their subordinate agencies.

Parliament remained inactive in monsoon session, parliamentary committees in ‘deep slumber’

Published On: November 4, 2023 07:00 PM NPT By: Ishwari Subedi

KATHMANDU, Nov 4: With the end of the monsoon session of the Federal Parliament on Thursday night, the parliamentary parties and parliamentary committees have fallen silent. Even in the absence of a session, the various committees that are called ‘mini parliaments’ should be active, but the committees are not active.

National Dignity Bill in parliament sees changes to the hierarchy proposal

Published On: October 31, 2023 03:15 PM NPT By: Ishwari Subedi

KATHMANDU, Oct 31: In the parliamentary discussion on the Non-Government Bill on National Dignity, which aims to revise the hierarchy of the Chief Justice, the Legislation Committee of the National Assembly opted to retain the previous arrangement for the Chief Justice's ranking. The committee rejected the proposal to place the Chief Justice lower in the hierarchy than the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the Speaker of the National Assembly.

Parliamentary committee neglects market monitoring

Published On: October 20, 2023 06:18 PM NPT By: Ishwari Subedi

KATHMANDU, Oct 20: Although the government has the task of controlling the abnormal price increase and black market, sale and distribution of inedible food stuff during the festival, the parliamentary committee lacks efforts to monitor these issues.

Govt crafting laws by bypassing parliament raises concern

Published On: October 3, 2023 03:30 PM NPT By: Ishwari Subedi

KATHMANDU, Oct 3: The highest body of the people, the Federal Parliament (House of Representatives and National Assembly) can create laws based on the needs and justifications of the country.

Over Rs 264 million spent on federal MP’s salaries, allowances and foreign trips

Published On: August 4, 2023 03:45 PM NPT By: Ishwari Subedi

KATHMANDU, Aug 4: Since the House of Representatives and the National Assembly are not effective, budgets worth millions  of rupees have been spent on the salaries and foreign trips of lawmakers since mid-December. The main function of parliament is to monitor the government by forming parliamentary committees that formulate laws. But the chairpersons of the parliamentary committees have not been elected and the bills sent to the committees have been stalled.

HoR passes Bill Related to Loan-Sharking

Published On: July 17, 2023 12:30 PM NPT By: Ishwari Subedi

KATHMANDU, July 17: In the House of Representatives (HoR), the Bill Related to Loan-sharking, which had been removed from the agenda a few days ago, was reintroduced and unanimously passed on Sunday at 9:15 PM.

Obstruction of UML leads to removal of Loan Shark Bill from HoR agenda

Published On: July 14, 2023 12:00 PM NPT By: Ishwari Subedi

KATHMANDU, July 14: Due to the obstruction made by the main opposition party, CPN-UML, the bill on loans shark has been removed from the agenda of House of Representatives(HoR). The Speaker is scheduled to remove the bill and include other issues on the agenda, in the meeting of the House of Representatives (HoR) on Friday.

National Assembly passes bill to replace loan-sharking bill

Published On: July 2, 2023 09:30 AM NPT By: Ishwari Subedi

KATHMANDU, July 2: Both the houses of the Federal Parliament are about to pass the replacement bill on loan sharking. The replacement bill was made after both houses approved the ordinance introduced by the government regarding loan-sharking. The replacement bill was passed by the National Assembly on Friday.