This multinational exercise is the latest in a continuing series of exercises in the Asia-Pacific region designed to promote regional peace and security and enhance peacekeeping capabilities and capacity of nations participating in the Global Peace Operations Initiative (GPOI), according to a press statement issued by the US Embassy in Kathmandu.[break]
The training conducted during the exercise will consist of a vignette based staff training exercise and a field training exercise.
GPOI is a G8 nations´ initiative to increase peace support operations capabilities worldwide. The GPOI Program expands global peacekeeping capability and capacity to meet increased peace support operations requirements through a long-term commitment to assist partner nations with training, facilities and equipment in establishing an increased level of indigenous training capacity.
“Being a major troop contributing country, Nepal and the Nepal Army have extensive knowledge and experience in peace support operations. Hosting this type of exercise in Nepal will not only enhance Nepal´s peacekeeping capabilities but will also help other participating nations,” the statement said.
The staff training exercise will combine Nepal Army officers and officers invited from Australia, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Canada, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Mongolia, Paraguay, the Philippines, Rwanda, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, Thailand, and Vietnam. The training will be facilitated by an international cadre of instructors with extensive peacekeeping and peacekeeping-training experience and personnel from US Pacific Command.
Field training will be conducted by militaries from Bangladesh, Cambodia, Indonesia, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Nepal, Philippines, Paraguay, and Rwanda. These forces will enhance basic skills used when conducting peacekeeping operations, such as patrolling, checkpoint operations, and convoy operations.
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