KATHMANDU, March 28: Two Canadians and one Nepali national have been arrested from Kathmandu with illegal foreign currencies.
Among those arrested are Canadian citizens Pema Dorje Dothar, 51, Tenzing Delek , 34, and Ngwang Palmu Lama, 72, a Nepali national.
Counterfeit Nepali currencies rampant in bordering Tarai distri...

They were going to Canada via Kathmandu and Delhi by an IndiGo flight and were arrested with illegal currencies while checking at the Tribhuvan International Airport.
According to airport sources, they were arrested after a total of USD 27428, CAD 1480 and 110 units of IC 500 banned in Nepal were found in their hand bags.
They have been sent to the Department of Revenue Investigation, Harihar Bhawan, Pulchowk, Lalitpur, for necessary investigation and legal action.