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Say No to Racial, Caste Discrimination

Caste discrimination and racism are major problems in Nepal. Despite having legal recourse against race and caste discrimination, lower-caste individuals are discriminated against on a daily basis. In rural Nepal, for example, individuals of what is considered to be "upper castes" will not touch lower-caste individuals and everything that belongs to them.
By Republica

Caste discrimination and racism are major problems in Nepal. Despite having legal recourse against race and caste discrimination, lower-caste individuals are discriminated against on a daily basis. In rural Nepal, for example, individuals of what is considered to be "upper castes" will not touch lower-caste individuals and everything that belongs to them. A latest episode in Aurahi of Siraha showed how such discrimination is still pervasive in our society. A group of Yadavs demolished the houses of lower caste- Dom people for organising a religious function. They not only demolished the houses of the Dom people but also scraped the soil where the houses of the lower caste people stood. It seems the upper castes have forgotten that untouchability is illegal, harmful, and wrong in Nepal. People across the world also observe the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination and Solidarity Week for People Fighting against Racism and Racial Discrimination annually. Both of them remind us that discrimination is not a matter of choice and is against human rights. This caste system that separates individuals and leads to social and economic inequality still troubles Nepal. People discriminate against and ridicule low-caste people, even brutally beating them for simply desiring to live with dignity.

When persons of different castes marry each other, they invariably become the target of hate and discrimination. Upper caste families oppose such marriages and sometimes result in honor killings and violence and psychological violence. Society even boycotts such couples. Intercaste marriages among lower-caste girls and boys frequently result in violence and a life of fear. It is illegal to discriminate on caste grounds. However, laws cannot change people's inherent attitudes. Caste discrimination is a social, and not a legal, issue. People still follow traditional practices and customs that degrade some citizens. Unless society accepts to change its mentality, discrimination will not stop. However, such injustice is preventable. Education has to play a significant role. Students need to be taught in school that caste should not define a person's value because everyone is born equal. Children need to be taught that discrimination is incorrect and people need to be assessed based on their nature, not caste. Then, the government should strictly enforce laws. There should be legal consequences for those people who attack inter-caste couples or engage in untouchability.

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The victims should be given protection by law, and the perpetrators should be punished immediately. Also, leaders, educators, and clergy have to condemn caste discrimination. People with influence can voice their opinions for what they feel encourages other people to do the same. Moreover, the media should publish positive stories of social integration and represent the struggles of the people belonging to the lower castes. Once time passes, acceptance will be boosted if individuals feel that inter-caste relationships and marriages are normal. Lastly, we all have individual responsibility. We need to speak up if we see discrimination happening. We should call out someone who uses discriminatory remarks. Change begins with us. Nepal is such a wonderful and diverse nation. Caste-based discrimination should not create divides among Nepali people. Since everyone has constitutional rights to enjoy equality, dignity, and respect, our society and people at large must demonstrate kindness, love, and humanity towards other members. As the time for change is now, there should be no discrimination based on race or caste in the country.


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