Upon my dad’s return to the USA, my family planned a visit to the Six Flags at New England, Connecticut. My entire family was eager to get on the road. Despite the Global Positioning System (GPS) glitches, that led us to wrong places, we finally reached our destination. Our road trip was very comfortable. It was all possible because of the smooth and well-maintained roads. I knew there were many more adventures ahead.
I began the day’s adventure with the dancing teacups. The ride required us to sit on a tea-cup-like structure. The seats then rotated very fast in all direction. It was fun. Next, my mom and I went to the cat woman family ride. The ride was 40 inches wide. When we finished the cat woman, we headed straight to the superhero coat win game. I actually won! After we were done with the ride, my dad and my uncles joined us. One of my uncles had lost his sunglasses. Another vowed to never get on a roller coaster again. Later, when we reached Hartford, we arranged a picnic in the garden of our apartment. It was the most memorable event of my life.
Road safety draft gathering dust at the Ministry of Transport f...

Like I previously mentioned, the roads were smooth and well-managed. However, in Nepal, the situation is pathetic. In the USA, they have seperate lanes for ambulances and special vehicles. The people also slow down their vehicles and let the emergency vehicles pass. In Nepal, we don’t even make way for such vehicles. Similarly, when people cross the road, vehicles stop in the USA. Here, not even a single vehicle stops. It is prohibited to litter on the road in the USA. Therefore, roads are neat and clean there. However, in Nepal, we find garbage everywhere on the road.
Also, when students need to cross the roads, drivers instruct all bypassing vehicles to stop. They then let the students cross the roads. Here, we find bus drivers just dropping the students and fleeing from the spot. Additionally, when students cross the road, vehicles don’t even comply with the rules of the zebra crossing in Nepal. This always surprises me. I think about the responsibility of the government, and child rights. Drivers are also responsible for driving safely and stopping when people are using zebra crossings. Pedestrians are also advised to cross the road using zebra crossing.
I am compelled to compare the road systems every time I visit the USA. Most of the time, my mom and I take the public bus, and sometimes in taxis. I see so many things happening. Taxis never asked us for lump sum money. In public buses, we always found seats. Seats are always reserved for senior citizens, differently able people, and people who need special attention.
It is important for the government to take strict actions and introduce innovative measures to ensure road safety. Not just the government, but the people should also contribute to bringing happiness to people.
Neupane is a grade VI student at St Xavier’s School, Godavari.