We all have our guilty pleasures – whether it is binge watching a television series, rereading Harry Potter or Game of Thrones books, or watching endless comedy videos on YouTube. We, at The Week, find ourselves watching movies we have watched already whenever we crave an escape from the ‘real’ world. But apparently, there are quite a few who like to do what we do. We asked some familiar names and faces around town about their go-to movies and here’s what they had to say.
Usha Khadgee
I’m not one for too many movies so when someone asks me about it I usually find that I need some time to think it through. I remember watching Chino, the second movie I ever watched, and I was so amazed. The acting, the script, everything worked together so well that I wanted to watch it again and again. Years later, if given the opportunity, I would still sit down and watch this movie happily. Another movie that I liked was Wada Number 6. It was better than I expected it to be and I found the acting to be completely natural, which goes a long way into making a good movie. The script too was very enjoyable and I have watched it a few times since it got released on YouTube.
Paramita Rana
BOBMC RIDER MANIA coming to the heart of Pokhara

I grew up with the Harry Potter saga and therefore it is one of the movies I find myself frequently going back to. It was a huge part of my childhood and I still remember the anticipation of waiting for a new movie to release. However, this saga isn’t the only movie I find myself watching regularly.
Danish Girl, Forrest Gump, Gone with the Wind, Breakfast at Tiffanys, and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind are some movies I could never tire of watching. I also like animated movies and I absolutely love Song of the Sea, Spirited Away and Arrietty from this genre. I find that many people don’t know some of these movies and I think everyone should watch these at least once in their lifetime.
Sitaram Katel
I have always been an advocate for the Nepali film industry and I watch all the movies that release. From old movies to the most recent ones, my favorites are Darpan Chaya, Bali Dhan, Kusume Rumal, Loot, Jatra, Pashupati Prasad, and Chakka Panja. These are all stories that are related to the society and have been presented as they are which is what I like the most about them. Loot and Pashupati Prasad were some of the funniest movies I have ever watched. I guess I could relate to a lot of it since I like making others laugh as well.
Suraj Singh Thakuri
I don’t usually watch movies but when I do, I make sure they are mindless comedies. That’s why The Dictator is probably my all time favorite movie. The political satire along with how everything unfolds made me laugh a lot. It is also a little obscene and crude at times but the underlying humor makes it completely funny. I especially liked when the movie ended as Aladeen marries Zoey and she breaks a glass, and reveals that she is Jewish. I expected that the movie would come full circle with the dictator doing something stupid again, which he doesn’t. It ends on a sort of cliché where love conquers all, but I really enjoyed it nonetheless.
Ruby Rana
I’m more into series than I am into movies. The one movie that I really enjoyed and wouldn’t mind watching over and over again is Nepali Babu. The thing about movies is that it is very short. There are so many places in the plot that could be developed but can’t be due to time constraints. I am watching a series on Zee Zindagi called Fatma Gul, which is about a girl who has been gang raped and the struggles she faces in the society afterwards. Another series I’m watching is Little Lord. It is also a Hindi series but it is surprisingly really good.
Adrian Pradhan
The pianist is a movie about World War II and shows how the Jews were oppressed by the Nazi’s and it is one of the best movies I have watched so far. It has also won several academy awards, including the Oscars, and it’s easy to see why. It’s about a polish-jewish pianist and how his life takes a turn when Poland is invaded. The Shawshank Redemption and Godfather are some of the other movies I have enjoyed immensely. The only Bollywood movie I have truly enjoyed was Sholay and it was purely because of Gabbar Singh. I have watched these movies more than ten times at least. Talking about Nepali movies, I have enjoyed watching Acharya and Pashupati Prasad. The acting in the latter was very natural and the script was witty and well written.
Mausami Gurung
The Nepali movies in the past would be very heart touching and sentimental. Samjhana and Chino are two such movies that I really enjoyed watching when I was younger. I remember not being able to get it out of my mind and having to watch it again and again, and till now when someone asks me about my favorite movie, I think of these two. Recently however the movies have taken a turn. They aren’t too emotional anymore, they are realistic. They have become so relate-able that while I watch a movie I find myself thinking “oh yes I do that too!” One of these recent movies that I can’t get enough of is Kabaddi Kabaddi. The dialogues and the actors have created a hilarious way to while some time away.