Dr KC gives three-week ultimatum to govt to address his demands
KATHMANDU, Jan 8: Prof Dr Govinda KC, who launched hunger strike many times in the past to press for reforms in the medical sector, has given an ultimatum of three weeks to the government to address demands reached earlier with him.
UDMF gives 7-day ultimatum to address demands

In a statement issued on Saturday, he also protested the act of the Tribhuvan University Executive Council to override the authority of the Faculty Board of the Institute of Medicine to take decision related to fee and admission in violation of an agreement reached with him.
He also urged the government not to appoint Ram Kantha Makaju as Vice Chancellor of the Kathmandu University and select University office bearers by seniority, efficiency and impartiality.
Also he warned of protest programs along with a nonviolent resistance if the National Medical Education Act that remains sub judice in Parliament is not passed within three weeks in spirit of the report of the Mathema Commission. RSS