While pimples are annoying, the long-lasting aftereffects of these irritating breakouts are even worse. Pimples are temporary but dark acne spots can linger on for a really long time and, worse, it might never fade away completely. However, most of these marks can be treated at home, besides severe cases that may need help from a dermatologist.
Here are five basic yet effective ways you can opt for to get rid of dark acne marks.
Banishing body acne

Tip #1: Wear sunscreen
When exposed to the sun during an active breakout, acne spots may have a prolonged appearance on the skin due to the darkening of inflammatory lesions, which makes them harder to fade over time. Thus, even if it is a cloudy day, wearing sunscreen is an important step to help in the fading of dark acne spots. If you worry about breaking out from a pore-clogging sunscreen, then buy an acne-friendly sunscreen as the market is filled with many non-comedogenic products these days. Look for a sunscreen that contains niacinamide as it is an anti-inflammatory ingredient that helps reduce redness.
Lemon and yoghurt mixture
Lemon is one of the most popular ingredients when it comes to lightening dark acne spots from the face. While yoghurt has cleansing properties, lemon has bleaching properties, making this the perfect concoction for lightening dark acne spots. To make this concoction, take lemon juice and add yoghurt, and mix well till a thick paste is formed. Then, after washing your face to remove all the present bacteria, apply the paste all over your face and leave for around 30 minutes. Use this remedy thrice a week for perfect, flawless skin over time.
Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera contains many remedial properties and is a good natural dark spot remover. Its gel is full of polysaccharides that fuel the growth of new skin cells to help in decreasing dark spots and healing scars. Aloe Vera is used for many different skin conditions as it contains two important anti-inflammatory hormones: auxin and gibberllins. These hormones give your skin a chance to heal and as they are anti inflammatory by nature they will decrease any inflammation on your skin as well.
Iced green tea
Iced green tea isn’t just for drinking. It’s refreshing goodness for your skin too. Simply make some green tea and pour it into an ice tray and then freeze it. Then, you can use the frozen cubes of green tea on your dark spots after steaming your face, which will help in opening the pores and prevent clogging as well. Steaming your face before applying iced green tea cubes on it will also help green tea penetrate into the pores and regenerate skin cells effectively. Your skin will also be replenished of the vital oils and vitamins and it will get a chance to breathe too. Green tea is rich in antioxidants that work wonderfully to get rid of bacteria and germs breeding on your skin, therefore giving you a natural glow.
Water, water
As we all know, water helps with just about any problem regarding the human body, and that is true for even skin related problems. It removes extra toxins from the body while hydrating the skin, which aids in boosting the natural skin rejuvenation process and that helps dark spots fade away quickly. To aid the process of fading of dark spots on your face, drink at least six to eight glasses of water every day.