Whither nonalignment?

Published On: June 15, 2016 08:12 PM NPT By: Kosh Raj Koirala

The geostrategic rebalancing in the Asia Pacific region has put Nepal’s long-held non-aligned foreign policy to test

Will it work?

Published On: June 15, 2016 08:05 PM NPT By: Geha Nath Khanal

The policy provides subsides to the poor and marginalized based on their identity cards. But first how will one obtain this card?

From war to work

Published On: June 15, 2016 07:58 PM NPT By: Frances Stewart

There is one example of successful post-crisis employment policy: Nepal. Its government sought to expand opportunities in informal sector after the civil war

Let’s make use of them (Commentary)

Published On: June 15, 2016 04:49 PM NPT By: Arun Kumar Shrivastav

Nepal has come a long way with a brand new constitution. It now needs to flaunt it.

Terrorism 2.0

Published On: June 14, 2016 08:04 PM NPT By: Trailokya R Aryal

With ISIS and Al-Qaeda operatives in the Middle East are led astray If initial news reports from the US are to be believed, Omar Mateen, the gunman who attacked the gay club in Orlando, Florida, was an ISIS sympathizer. I believe these recent terrorist attacks in Western cities represent the changing face of terrorism: Terrorism 2.0.

Fair play

Published On: June 14, 2016 07:57 PM NPT By: Ayush Joshi

“Celebrating someone else’s victory is not a sign of defeat. It’s a sign of friendship” At the Jail field ground at Inaruwa, Sunsari, spectators watch the football game in excitement.

Open for business

Published On: June 14, 2016 07:50 PM NPT By: Bill Winters

In conversations with Chinese officials I detect a renewed sense of humility and a willingness to recognize mistakes

Infographics: Brexit poll

Published On: June 13, 2016 07:30 PM NPT By: Republica

People across the United Kingdom will soon go to the polls to vote on whether to remain part of the European Union.

More loathing lore

Published On: June 13, 2016 12:35 AM NPT By: CK Lal

Any community that submits itself to be excluded from the right to be defended and the duty to bear arms becomes a second class citizen

Chhaupadi: Till when?

Published On: June 10, 2016 08:47 PM NPT By: Hritika Joshi

There is this small mud hut outside almost every house in Bajura district. Temporarily made, dirty, unmanaged and just big enough to fit one person in, this hut is where women are forced to live every time they menstruate.