Why privacy bill should be amended

Published On: September 2, 2018 01:00 AM NPT By: Taranath Dahal

The state has no right to control people’s freedom and liberties while introducing right to privacy laws. No law should encroach on people’s right to know

Learn from China

Published On: September 2, 2018 12:30 AM NPT By: Kaushal Pant

China is rising to superpower status in 40 years after Deng Xiaoping initiated reforms. We have lost 30 years of post-1990 doing nothing

Wonders of elevators

Published On: September 1, 2018 12:15 AM NPT By: Usha Pokharel

On my recent trip to the United States, I had a connecting flight from Dubai airport. In the process of getting to the departure gate, I had to take an elevator, a very fancy one at that, with glass doors with opening both front and back. I got in from the front door and exited from the back door.  This fancy elevator reminded me of the first time I rode an elevator long time back during the 1960s in Kolkata. At the time I was living with my father and attending school there.  One day my father took me to a building where his office was located. It was in Russel Street.  As I remember, at the time I believed, the building belonged to Subarna Shamsher’s family.

Right, even when wrong

Published On: September 1, 2018 12:10 AM NPT By: Hemant Arjyal

In material science creep is described as the likely trend of deforming permanently under the influence of mechanical stresses. Obviously, this process is unnoticeably slow and has uncanny resemblance to what happens when complacency gets better of us. Being confident is not a bad thing, but being overtly so often results in unwarranted consequences and people need to be constantly cautioned.

Realizing BIMSTEC vision

Published On: September 1, 2018 12:05 AM NPT By: Rishi Dhamala

The fourth Summit of the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) has concluded by endorsing the 18-point Kathmandu Declaration on Friday. Prime Minister K P Sharma Oli has said prosperity among BIMSTEC member nations is possible through combined efforts and collaborations among all the member states.

Corruption runs deep and wide

Published On: August 30, 2018 01:30 AM NPT By: Surya Nath Upadhyay

Corruption is no more only a case where one takes money straight away from the service seekers. It has taken a shape where it is difficult to find out who the culprit is

How cities are saving China

Published On: August 30, 2018 01:00 AM NPT By: Andrew Sheng and Xiao Geng

China has learned that rejecting one-size-fits-all approaches and promoting competition among cities is a valuable means of achieving breakthroughs

Think beyond BIMSTEC

Published On: August 30, 2018 12:30 AM NPT By: G P Acharya

India and China can find the best possible ways to benefit from BRI, and together can aim for global leadership

BIMSTEC for Nepal

Published On: August 29, 2018 01:30 AM NPT By: Suresh C Chalise

For Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan and Sri Lanka, BIMSTEC could be one more multilateral forum for uplifting their socio-economic profiles in favor of societal benefits

Hope and fear

Published On: August 29, 2018 01:00 AM NPT By: Devendra Gautam

Let’s hope BIMSTEC will help create a world order that is more just for smaller yet more easily manageable countries like Nepal