Trump’s failed Iran policy

Published On: August 11, 2019 01:30 AM NPT By: Amin Saikal

Trump’s biggest problem is that the other signatories to the 2015 nuclear agreement from which he has withdrawn the United States, have remained committed to the deal

Innovating tourism

Published On: August 11, 2019 01:00 AM NPT By: Biranchi Poudyal

In the age of digitalization, Nepal should opt for ‘QR code’ information system to enable tourists to gather information about places they visit

Creating joy in reading

Published On: August 11, 2019 12:30 AM NPT By: Rishi Ram Paudyal

English teachers have to develop skills to teach reading. They should research and find out for themselves what works best for their students in the contexts and situations they are in

Remembering a scholar extraordinaire

Published On: August 10, 2019 01:30 AM NPT By: Mahesh Raj Pant

The greatest contribution of Naya Raj Pant and his students was awakening their countrymen to the realization that they could carry out research competently enough on their own

Come what may

Published On: August 10, 2019 01:05 AM NPT By: Hemant Arjyal

Not being able to find proofs of something that had definitely happened is quite frustrating. I had encountered the same as mentioned in my previous piece. This time I was looking for details of a helicopter accident on TIA runway that had resulted in several hours of airport closure.

Let the girls live

Published On: August 10, 2019 12:05 AM NPT By: Shreena Nepal

Why has not Nepal had a female prime minister yet? Because she was possibly aborted.  A country whose half of the population is comprised of women does not yet allow them to exploit their full potential which is why they have not been able to contribute to the country’s development.  Most think women are not as capable as men. Here is the irony.

Restructuring agriculture project

Published On: August 8, 2019 01:30 AM NPT By: Bhairab Raj Kaini

While restructuring Prime Minister Agriculture Modernization Project, due consideration should be given in selecting an appropriate organization for its implementation

Nepal, watch out

Published On: August 8, 2019 01:00 AM NPT By: Madhavji Shrestha

Nepal should not remain oblivious to big things happening around Asia-Pacific region because we strategically lie in this region

Is Von Der Leyen the leader Europe Needs?

Published On: August 8, 2019 12:30 AM NPT By: Dominique Moisi

Many European observers wonder whether Ursula von der Leyen has the right combination of charisma, stamina, resilience, and political inventiveness to be the leader Europe needs

Budget’s fake economics

Published On: August 7, 2019 01:30 AM NPT By: Sukhdev Shah

How will Nepal achieve 8.5 percent growth? Likely sources of growth do not point to more than a mediocre performance, around four to five percent