Fighting hidden hunger

Published On: August 25, 2019 12:25 AM NPT By: Dr Aruna Uprety

A young mother was proudly saying to her mother: “I have started to fortify my daughter’s food but not with medicine. I use natural plants and spices as I learnt from some doctors that we have enough food to make my daughter healthy.” The young mother has good knowledge about how to take care of health of her daughter.

Conversation with digital darlings

Published On: August 24, 2019 02:00 AM NPT By: Babu Ram Neupane

Don’t go coy with these faceless digital darlings. Get mollycoddled by striking a lovely conversation with them now

Bringing peace in Kashmir

Published On: August 24, 2019 01:30 AM NPT By: Poorna Kanta Adhikary

India and Pakistan should engage in dialogue with or without external mediation to find lasting solution of Kashmir problem

Power to youth

Published On: August 24, 2019 12:30 AM NPT By: Simone Galimberti

Grassroots level policy-making and activism can truly transform Nepali youth and Nepal

Deschooling education

Published On: August 22, 2019 01:30 AM NPT By: Anusa Thapa and Milan Pandey

Every class has students capable of becoming singers, dancers, poets, athletes and actors but our education system is discouraging them every moment

The pain of going around

Published On: August 22, 2019 01:00 AM NPT By: Hemant Arjyal

Nepal aviation has been subjected to EASA’s blacklisting since December 2013 because many European lives were lost in domestic sectors in STOLs and helicopter crashes

Forgetting Palestine

Published On: August 22, 2019 12:30 AM NPT By: Shlomo Ben-Ami

Never before in Israel’s history has it been able to develop a foreign policy so free of the Palestinian issue

Time to enhance trust

Published On: August 21, 2019 01:25 AM NPT By: Dinesh Bhattarai

The Indian External Affairs Minister Subramanyam Jaishankar is arriving in Kathmandu today to co-chair the fifth meeting of the Nepal-India Joint Commission (JC) that was established in 1987. Welcome to Nepal! According to a press release issued by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Nepal, the JC will review overall state of bilateral relations, and various areas of cooperation such as connectivity and economic partnership, trade and transit, water resource sectors, culture, education and other matters of mutual interests. JC was revived after a gap of over two decades in 2014 and the third meeting was held in Kathmandu in July 2014.

What ails heritage reconstruction?

Published On: August 21, 2019 01:05 AM NPT By: Keshab Sharma/Apil KC

The 2015 great earthquakes had a major impact on cultural heritage. Hundreds of monuments, including palaces, temples, monasteries, chaityas, bahals, sattals and patis collapsed and many were badly damaged.

Return of France

Published On: August 21, 2019 12:25 AM NPT By: Jacek Rostowski/Arnab Das

LONDON – At first blush, the result of the European Parliament election in May, and the subsequent nomination of the European Union’s new leadership team, augur continuity and not disruption for the bloc. Nationalist parties failed to make any significant gains in the election, and then large Western European status quo powers hand-picked federalists for the top EU jobs.