Speaking at a function organized to lay foundation stone of the statute of the late Krishna Prasad Bhattarai in Kathmandu on Thursday, NC President Sushil Koirala said the formation of constitutional court could impinge on judicial freedom. Koirala said the idea of constitutional court was floated to serve the petty interest of some particular party and his party rejects the idea.[break]
NC senior leader Sher Bahadur Deuba said people might have difficulty getting justice in the event of contradiction between verdicts of the Supreme Court and the constitutional court.
Arguing that democracy cannot be strengthened where there is no easy access to justice, Deuba said NC would not accept Constitutional Court as it makes difficult for the people to get justice.
A Sub-Committee under the Constitutional Committee of the CA on Friday had agreed to form a separate constitutional court under the chief justice. There was an agreement to give the court authority to do judicial review of disputed issues of the constitution and issue final verdict on issues related to political and other fundamental rights.
Meanwhile, NC Central Working Comittee (CWC) meeting has been called for 4 pm Friday. Earlier on March 4, the meeting was put off due to critical condition of the party´s founding leader Krishna Prasad Bhattarai.
"The meeting will discuss the peace process and constitution drafting and decide the party´s official position on key issues," said NC´s Chief Secretary Basanta Kumar Gautam.
Constitutional Bench issues show cause notice on constitutional...