A new Oxfam report has revealed that eighty-two percent of the wealth generated in the year 2017 went to the richest one percent of the global population.

DAVOS, Switzerland, Jan 16:  The eight individuals who own as much as half of the rest of the planet are all men, and have largely made their fortunes in technology. Most are American, with one European and one Mexican in the mix. Several have pledged to give it all to charity.

DAVOS, SWITZERLAND, Jan 16: Just eight individuals, all men, own as much wealth as the poorest half of the world's population, Oxfam said on Monday in a report calling for action to curtail rewards for those at the top.

What used to be a farming community back in the 1950s, Huaxi, a village situated in the east of the city centre of Jiangyin, in Jiangsu Province, has reportedly been transformed into a thriving Communist utopia that provides wealth to its residents.

In case you needed any more proof that life is unfair, a dog managed to get his paws on an iPhone 7 before you. In fact, she got eight of them, as a gift from her wealthy owner, the son of China’s richest man.