KATHMANDU, May 24: All flight landings at the Tribhuvan International Airport (TIA) have resumed following the repair of potholes on the runway.

KATHMANDU, Dec 22: There is a risk of the Nepali Army losing approximately Rs 3 billion following negligence in the selection of a company for the repair of the national army's Mi-17 V5 helicopter. The army had dispatched the helicopter to India for maintenance under a contractual agreement about a year ago. However, there has been no discernible progress in the repair process, raising concerns about the anticipated Rs 3 billion loss.

KATHMANDU, April 2: Manakamana cable car in Gorkha will be closed on Wednesday as the tower needs to be repaired.

Classrooms on the 'verge of collapse'

January 14, 2020 10:52 am

ROLPA, Jan 14: Built with mud and stones decades ago, the classrooms of Saraswati Secondary School in Pang, a remote village of Rolpa, are not safe anymore. It looks like the structures could collapse anytime, and the school principal feels no different. However, in the lack of budget to erect new buildings, the school with over 500 students has been running classes in the dilapidated rooms.

KATHMANDU, Sept 24: Do you ever wonder how the potholes on our roads get repaired and by whom? Municipal workers are often to be seen repairing the roads and filling potholes. But there is more to it than that. Ten different steps are involved before a pothole gets patched up. These steps have to be approved by various individuals and departments in the municipal bureaucracy.

Nikosera lies in the heart of Bhaktapur. The place stands on the way of Araniko Highway between Sallaghari and Purano Thimi. Despite the fact that highway is well-pitched, the streets of Nikosera, however, haven’t been well managed and is damaged.

DULEGAUDA, May 16: Two years after the expiry of the first deadline for the repair and maintenance of Krishnamarga road that connects Syangja and Tanahun, the work is heading nowhere.

BETRAWATI, Nuwakot, Jan 4:  Repair of the power house of the Trishuli Hydropower Centre destroyed in a fire has started.

POKHARA, Dec 4: After nearly two decades runway of the Jomsom Airport is being repaired. The runway was in dire need of repairs for a long time now. According to Pushparaj Neupane, an engineer with the Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal (CAAN), the repair project worth Rs 800 million has already kicked off. “The work of erecting fences around the airport is almost over. Blacktopping of the runway and construction of parking area will follow soon,” he said.

BANEPA, Oct 28: The family of Maya Lama of Panauti-1, Manedovan has spent four monsoons and three winters under the tents since the catastrophic earthquake of 2015 damaged their house. Fortunately, they will be able to spend their fourth winter in their old house.

Souls of My City: Harmonium man

October 14, 2018 10:38 am

The sound of harmonium resonates across a narrow alley in Ason throughout the day. Rup Narayan Shah, 54, is responsible for the constant buzz.

RASUWA, Aug 26: Repair works of Rasuwagadhi trade route, which links the country with the northern neighbor China, has begun from Saturday. The vital trade route has remained obstructed since the past month due to landslide debris.

KATHMANDU, Aug 21:The government has planned to carry out complete repairs of the runway at Tribhuvan International Airport (TIA), the country's sole airport operating international flights.

MAHENDRANAGAR, April 21: Surveyors from Nepal and India have started repairing border pillars in the district.

KATHMANDU, Feb 18:  Madhya-Marshyangdi Hydropower Project is stopping power generation for 10 days for repair works.

MORANG, Feb 1: The government has allocated 70 million rupees for the repair and maintenance of the office buildings to be used by the top officials of Province No 1.

JHAPA, Jan 16: The National Reconstruction Authority (NRA) has allocated money for the survivors of the April 2015 earthquake in Jhapa district to purchase warm clothes and repair their houses.

KATHMANDU, Jan 11: Lack of construction details of more than 1,200 bridges across the country constructed by various foreign countries has affected repair, said the Bridge Division under the Department of Roads.

KANCHANPUR, Jan 7: As many as 253 the freed Haliya families have been selected for repairing their houses.

JAJARKOT, Oct 10: Locals of Bheri Municipality have vented their ire against the government authorities for not making efforts to resume traffic movement along the new road section at Thatibazaar that was obstructed after a massive landslide one and a half months ago.

TIKAPUR, August 29: The bridge connecting the far-western region to the rest of the country has started to wear down due to lack of timely repair. The Karnali bridge built in 1993 has become visibly fragile due to lack of proper maintenance in more than two decades since it came into operation.

KATHMANDU, July 27: The government has claimed that fixing potholes and repairing roads inside the Kathmandu Valley has been expedited following the direction from the prime minister last week.

KATHMANDU, July 27: The Office of the Prime Minister and Council of Ministers (OPMCM) has issued directives to the bodies concerned for speeding up the road repair works by maintaining coordination, following a monitoring of the works.

KATHMANDU, March 3: China has handed over the Araniko highway to Nepal after repairing it.

BUTWAL, Jan 4: Repair of a concrete bridge in Butwal along the East-West Highway has started.

KATHMANDU, Nov 23: It will take at least three more years to repair the Dasharath Stadium parapet damaged by last year's devastating earthquakes. Though the Detailed Project Report (DPR) of the stadium has still not been submitted, preliminary reports suggest that the stadium cannot be ready before three years.