KATHMANDU, July 24: The Saurya Airlines aircraft that crashed while en route to Pokhara for a regular C-Check crashed at Tribhuvan International Airport (TIA) seconds after its takeoff. The aircraft, a Bombardier CRJ 200, was insured by Prabhu Insurance for Rs 300 million.

CHITWAN, July 21: The Chitwan National Park (CNP) has distributed over Rs 20 million to the families of the victims of human-wildlife conflict.

KATHMANDU, April 6: The cost of the projects of national pride has increased by over Rs 1,050 billion due to the non-completion of their construction within the stipulated timelines, imposing a financial burden on the state.

JHAPA, Feb 9: As many as 321 families who have fallen victim to wild elephant attacks in Jhapa district as of October 10 of the current Fiscal Year (FY) are awaiting compensation from the government.

KATHMANDU, Nov 3: Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal has said Nepal should present its claim clearly this time for the solution to the problems it is facing due to climate change.

DHANGADI, Aug 29: Swostik Cardio and Multispeciality Hospital, Dhangadhi, has agreed to provide a compensation of Rs 2.2 million to the family of a patient who died during treatment.

KATHMANDU, Aug 23: The Central Investigation Bureau (CIB) of Nepal Police submitted the probe report to the Office of the District Government Attorney (ODGA), Kathmandu, on Tuesday, assessing the loss of around Rs 18 billion in the case of embezzlement of government land inside Lalita Niwas in Baluwatar. The report recommended making 238 people defendants and claiming Rs 18 billion in compensation from them.

CHITWAN, Aug 6: Manakamana Hospital in Chitwan district has compensated over Rs 2.7 million to the family of a woman who died in the hospital.

KATHMANDU, July 28: The Supreme Court (SC) has ordered the Kanti Children's Hospital in Kathmandu to provide Rs 3 million in compensation to the family of a child for showing sheer negligence in the treatment.

KATHMANDU, July 19: The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has asked the agencies concerned to pay compensation to the migrant Nepali workers who were stopped by the TIA Immigration Office while going for foreign employment. Citing the financial losses incurred by the workers, the NHRC has objected to the ban imposed by the Tribhuvan International Airport (TIA) Immigration Office on youths who have taken institutional labor permits for foreign employment.

KATHMANDU, June 6: A 35-day notice has been issued to the relatives of the victims of Yeti Airlines plane crash in Pokhara to claim compensation.

KATHMANDU, May 22: Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal has said the demands put forth by the people affected by the Shuklaphanta Wildlife Reserve in Kanchanpur would be addressed.

KATHMANDU, Feb 14: The Federation of Nepal Mobile Business Association (FNMBA) has demanded that the government pay full compensation to the owners of mobile shops that were robbed and vandalized in the course of the protest of transport workers' demonstration in Gongabu.

Gorkha, June 22: According to the Budhigandaki Hydropower Project National Concern Committee, the project office has been ignoring the demands and complaints of the residents of the inundated areas. Hareram Dhakal, coordinator of the concerned committee, said the bank has withheld the compensation amount sent by the project due to various reasons.

KATHMANDU, May 24: The Patan High Court has ordered Grande International Hospital to pay Rs 3.5 million in compensation to the family of Rihan Neupane for showing negligence in the child’s treatment.

KATHMANDU, March 23: With the ratification of the US aid project Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) compact from the House of Representatives, the process of clearing the land acquired for the construction of a substation in Nuwakot has been started under the MCC compact agreement.

ILAM, Feb 1: Durga Prasad Timsina, 61, who was kept in Indian jails for 40 years without any guilt, has not been able to get compensation as per the order of the Kolkata High Court. Two months ago, the court ordered the West Bengal government to provide a compensation of INR 500,000 (Nepali Rupees 800,000) to Timsina within six weeks.

KATHMANDU, Jan 5: The 140 MW Tanahu Hydropower Project, one of the biggest reservoir-type projects in the country, has paid Rs 1.30 billion in land compensation.

DAMAULI, Nov 13: The authorities concerned have agreed to pay Rs 1.6 million compensation to the family of Chitra Bahadur Rana, 27, who died due to electric shock.

Savior for Heroes

November 7, 2021 14:44 pm

Can the loss of farmers be compensated? After all, they contribute 20 % to the GDP. Shouldn’t they be compensated?

BENGALURU, Oct 15: The Pentagon has offered unspecified condolence payments to the family of 10 civilians who were killed in a botched U.S. drone attack in Afghanistan in August during the final days before American troops withdrew from the country.

DAMAULI, Oct 13: The family of a nine-year-old girl who died after being attacked by a cheetah has been provided relief assistance. The Bandipur Rural Municipality and the Division Forest Office have ensured Rs 100 thousand to the bereaved family as the expenses to conduct the mourning rituals.

MANMA, July 25: Locals affected by the Fukot Karnali hydropower project have expressed dissatisfaction over the compensation amount being offered to them. The compensation paid for their land is much lower than the prevailing rate in their locality, they said.

KATHMANDU, Feb 5: Deputy Prime Minister Ishwar Pokharel has announced to provide compensation to the owner of the taxi that was set on fire allegedly by the cadres belonging to the Dahal-Nepal faction of the Nepal Communist Party (NCP) to enforce the general strike on Thursday.

KATHMANDU, Oct 9: The Kathmandu-Tarai/Madhesh Fast Track project, which is listed as a national pride project, has achieved a very minimum physical progress.

KANCHANPUR, April 18:The families displaced by the Shuklaphanta National Park are facing acute shortage of food stuffs due to ongoing lockdown.

BIRATNAGAR, April 8: The government of province 1 has announced a compensation of Rs five million for the families of health workers and other caregivers if they die in the course of handling COVID-19 cases. The move comes amid growing number of doctors and health workers expressing reluctance to provide care to COVID-19 patients fearing the contagion.

KATHMANDU, April 8: The Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development has started work on a relief package for farmers suffering huge losses due to the lockdown.

KATHMANDU, April 3: Petroleum dealers have sought compensation from the Nepal Oil Corporation (NOC), stating that the petroleum monopoly's decision to cut petroleum prices significantly will inflict huge loss on them.

TIKAPUR, March 6: As many as 16 families of Balchaur in Lamki Municipality-3, who have received compensation from Rani Jamara Kulariya Irrigation Project, are refusing to vacate their property.

KATHMANDU, Feb 23: Finance Minister Dr Yubaraj Khatiwada has said that the government will take stringent action against those insurance companies which are failing to pay compensation to customers on time.

DAMAK, Feb 19: The local government body has shown dissatisfaction on the matter of compensation for the construction of the China-Nepal Friendship Industrial Park in Damak. The body has demanded proper management of the squatters living in the area set aside for the industrial park.

KATHMANDU, Feb 11: The government is planning to provide full compensation for land acquired for electricity transmission lines. Barshaman Pun, Minister for Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation, has said that the government is planning to provide full compensation to those whose land is occupied by the government for transmission line during the inauguration of the statue of late Post Bahadur Bogati in Nagarkot.

KATHMANDU, Feb 11: While Garima-seed victims run from pillar to post for compensation, the government has formed yet another committee to study the loss of paddy crop suffered by farmers due to use of defective seeds.

KAILALI, Feb 4: Denied compensation, farmers, who faced huge loss due to failure of Garima brand of paddy seeds, are preparing to launch protest against the government.

POKHARA, Jan 13: Local representatives and leaders of different political parties of Kaski have expressed their solidarity with the locals who have been demanding that compensation for additional land to be acquired for Pokhara Regional Airport should be distributed as per the existing market rate.

RASUWA, Jan 12: The ongoing construction work of Upper Mailung Hydroelectricity Project at Uttargaya Rural Municipality-1, Rasuwa has been stopped due to the obstruction from the local residents. Putting forward a three-point demand, locals affected by the project have obstructed the construction of the project.

KATHMANDU, Dec 25: Discharged Maoist combatants on Tuesday complained that the political parties have provided mere lip service to address their concerns despite their assurance for the same on a number of occasions.

SURKHET, Dec 22: Locals are elated with hopes that the impasse regarding construction of the proposed Upper Karnali Hydropower Project will end, as the Bangladeshi government has approved purchasing electricity produced by the Indian developer Grandhi Mallikarjuna Rao (GMR).

SURKHET, Nov 13: There appears to be a dispute between the Bheri-Babai Diversion Multipurpose Project and the Bheriganga Municipality where the national pride project is situated. The dispute is related to taking permission to use local natural resources, paying revenues, and distributing compensation to the affected locals.

KATHMANDU, Nov 7: The agitating British Gurkha ex-servicemen have announced to launch an international human rights campaign if the British government does not take any initiatives to address their grievances related to pension parity and compensation for the injustice meted out to them.

RASUWA, Aug 22: Locals affected by the construction of the dry port at Rasuwagadhi border point have received compensation money, barring 15 households.

KATHMANDU, Aug 6: Lawmakers have demanded the government to provide compensation and relief to the victims of natural disasters including landslide and flood following the heavy rainfall that occurred from July 11 at different places of the country.

SINDHULI, Aug 6: Locals affected by the Sunkoshi-Marin Diversion Multipurpose Project have asked authorities concerned to ensure that the national pride project does not become a hotbed of corruption.

KATHMANDU, Aug1: The main opposition party, Nepali Congress (NC), has expressed serious reservation over the decision to halt the compensation distribution in some areas which are almost certain to be affected by the proposed Budhi Gandaki Hydropower Project.

NAWALPARASI, July 28: Monetary compensation of some Rs 60 million is to be given to those households and landowners affected by the Hetauda-Bharatpur-Bardghat 220 KV transmission line project.

KATHMANDU, July 25: The Foreign Employment Promotion Board (FEPB) has distributed Rs 484.94 million in compensation to the families of 753 workers who have lost their lives during employment abroad last fiscal year.

KATHMANDU, July 11: The government has decided to provide Rs one million to the family of Saroj Narayan Singh who was shot dead by the police who opened fire on the agitating crowd in the course of dispersing them.

KATHMANDU, July 11: Department of Livestock Services has distributed Rs 81.08 million as compensation to farmers of nine bird flu-hit districts.

SURKHET, June 19: The Bheri Babai Diversion Multipurpose Project (BBDMP) has completed preparations to distribute compensation to residents for the land it acquired.