Increased Chinese investment in the region could spur development, especially in infrastructure, technology, and trade. Projects under the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) have already demonstrated China’s willingness to invest heavily in South Asian economies.

KATHMANDU, July 12: Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal, facing a crucial vote of confidence in Parliament on Friday amidst withdrawal of support from parties including the CPN-UML, has approved an agreement to connect Nepal with China by rail before leaving office.

Nepal's geographical fate is not merely a footnote in its national narrative but the central theme of its existence. Positioned strategically between the burgeoning giants of China and India, and playing a role in the strategic interests of the United States, Nepal finds itself at the crossroads of significant geopolitical currents.

BRI: A ‘Pandora’s box’?

March 13, 2024 08:30 am

The Chinese Embassy in Nepal organized the Chinese Lunar New Year ceremony for the first time in Kathmandu on January 14, 2024, which was inaugurated by Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal. During the program, artists performed Chinese arts, acrobatics, and magic. More importantly, Vice Minister Sun Haiyan of the International Department of the Communist Party of China (CPCID) visited Nepal from January 26.

KATHMANDU, Oct 8: Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal today said the implementation of the 'Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)' project would move ahead with priority.

KATHMANDU, July 13: The Government of Nepal is currently engaged in discussions regarding the implementation plan of the Belt and Road Project (BRI) with China. Foreign Minister NP Saud revealed during a session of the National Assembly that discussions are underway between the two countries.

Why is Nepal Dallying BRI Projects?

January 19, 2023 09:30 am

Nepal could benefit from better connectivity ties with its northern neighbors through BRI projects but to be able to do so, it is important that Nepal negotiate better with China.

KATHMANDU, June 12: Experts have suggested the country's leadership focus on the national needs and priority while enforcing foreign country-initiated projects for the economic development of the country.

BRI and MCC: Implications for Nepal

April 11, 2022 06:30 am

China and the United States came face-to-face over the issue of MCC agreement’s ratification through parliament. This is not a good sign for Nepal. The strategic rivalry between the US and China in Nepal should not be taken lightly.

KATHMANDU, March 27: The ruling coalition partner, CPN (Maoist Center), has urged the Government of China to expeditiously bring into implementation projects related to physical infrastructures agreed earlier under the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

KATHMANDU, March 27: The CPN-UML has urged the Chinese government to expedite implementation of the projects related to Belt and Road Initiatives(BRI) such as railway, irrigation, education and health.

Rejecting both MCC and BRI would be economic nonsense because the country is in dire need of funds for its ambitions. Rejecting BRI and going on with MCC alone means that we remain sort of disconnected from the Chinese economy and increase reliance on the big bullying brother of the south. What if we reject MCC and align completely with the Xi path? That's also ridiculous, because China itself trades massively with the USA and gains a huge sum, though quarrels politically as hell. Accepting both the proposals seems an economic fun with a boom in infrastructure, but the political cost is huge.

UK, June 13: The Group of Seven richest democracies sought on Saturday to counter China’s growing influence by offering developing nations an infrastructure plan that could rival President Xi Jinping’s multi-trillion-dollar Belt and Road initiative.

KATHMANDU, Oct 21: Speaking at a virtual meeting of the First Conference of Nepal-China Belt and Road Cooperation of Political Parties organized by International Department of CPC, China in collaboration with Friends of Silk Road Club Nepal, former Prime Minister Baburam Bhattarai has said that the Trans-Himalayan Railway project under Belt and Road Initiative could be an economic and geopolitical game-changer for Nepal. He also said that the two countries must work together to enhance economic cooperation.

Bay of Bengal is now a critical theater for economic and strategic competition. It has always been a connector between South and Southeast Asia but now it is the focal point for competing connectivity initiatives.

KATHMANDU, June 28: Amid souring relations between China and India following a recent military scuffle in Ladakh, a Chinese scholar has said that the two Asian neighbors should not be resorting to war but work for stability in the entire Himalayas.

KATHMANDU, June 19: Minister for Foreign Affairs Pradeep Kumar Gyawali participated in a webinar entitled "High-Level Video Conference on Belt and Road International Co-operation: Combating COVID-19 with Solidarity" on Thursday.

BRI after COVID-19

May 29, 2020 12:35 pm

Since the outbreak of COVID-19 in late December 2019 in Wuhan, China, experts have speculated what its long-term effects on global health, the global economy, and social welfare will be. The human lives lost to the pandemic have been colossal. The economic impact of COVID-19 paints a very dreary picture: rising unemployment, crashing oil prices, and increasing risk of recession, with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) predicting that the global economy will shrink by three percent in 2020. Bloomberg Economics’ analysis predicts that, in the worst case, COVID-19 could cost the global economy $2.7 trillion in global output, recessions in the US, Euro-area, and Japan, and the slowest growth on record in China.

KATHMANDU, Jan 31: Arguing that the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) grant has no link with America’s Indo-Pacific Strategy, Prime Minister KP Oli has pointed out the need to endorse the MCC agreement through parliament at the earliest possible.

BEIJING, Jan 5: Brushing aside allegations that the China's Belt and Road Initiatives (BRI) was aimed at colonizing smaller countries, senior Chinese scholars said that the BRI rather seeks to promote free trade through enhanced connectivity network and send its economic success to other countries.

Prisoner’s dilemma

November 7, 2019 08:57 am

If Nepal ignores its next-door neighbors, the consequences may be stark. Ignoring the West may also be costly for Nepal’s development endeavors

Reassessing BRI

October 15, 2019 01:00 am

The connectivity that BRI offers will open Nepal to the world market through different sea ports. Nepal then will no longer be a‘land-locked’country

KATHMANDU, Oct 14: Elevating their relationship to the level of “strategic partnership,” Nepal and China have agreed to intensify implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) to enhance connectivity. The agreement was reached during the two-day state visit of Chinese President Xi Jinping to Nepal.

Creating a shared future

September 29, 2019 02:05 am

The Silk Road came into being in the second security BCE as a result of silk trade. After thousands of years, trade between countries and regions along this route has been flourishing. Now, it has become a major path of trade, as well as cultural and friendly exchanges between the East and the West. It is not only a heritage of the past, but also a great initiative to create the future. The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is about the same.

BRI can be an effective mechanism to facilitate bilateral trade, strengthen relations and enable environment to make our people prosperous

Sept 17: 6 things to know by 6 PM today

September 17, 2019 18:00 pm

Your daily dose of missed important news of the day.

KATHMANDU, July 25: Vice President Nanda Bahadur Pun has said it was a matter of pride for Nepal to join the belt and road initiative (RBI) launched by the Chinese President.

DUNGUN, July 25: China and Malaysia resumed construction on a massive “Belt and Road” train project in northern Malaysia on Thursday, after a year-long suspension and following a rare agreement to cut its cost by nearly a third to about $11 billion.

KATHMANDU, June 21: Minister for Foreign Affairs Pradeep Gyawali has said Nepal is committed to implementing the agreements reached with China under the framework of Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) projects.

Debating BRI

June 10, 2019 01:30 am

Nepal needs to mainstream the BRI debate and analytically distinguish its pros and cons for Nepal’s long-term economic growth, political stability and operational autonomy

Together for prosperity

June 6, 2019 01:30 am

It would not be pragmatic for Nepal to expect BRI projects to be built entirely on Chinese grants. Nepal can expect more grants and less loans but not absolute grants

Building bridges

May 30, 2019 01:30 am

The BRI can be an incredible opportunity for least developed countries to leverage their (limited) soft-power and bring diverse parties together to advance global development

KATHMANDU, May 6: Two major political parties — the ruling Nepal Communist Party (NCP) and the main opposition Nepali Congress (NC) — appear sharply divided over how to fund the Nepal-China railroad, which requires investment of several billion of dollars.

LHASA, May 2: Minister for Foreign Affairs Pradeep Kumar Gyawali said the role of Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR) was critically important for Nepal to propel BRI, Protocol to the Agreement on Transit and Transport or any project in new border entry point with China.

KATHMANDU, April 29: Foreign policy experts have said that the incorporation of Nepal-China Trans-Himalayan Multi-Dimensional Connectivity Network including Nepal-China cross-border railway in the joint communique issued after the conclusion of the Second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation is a major achievement for Nepal.

Your daily dose of missed important news of the day.

BEJING, April 28: Chairman of the Economic Joint Committee of China Commercial Stock Enterprises, Wang Fuking, and the top officials of Nepal-China Economic and Trade Forum, called on President Bidya Devi Bhandari here today.

BEIJING, April 28: President Bidya Bhandari has said that the Belt and Road Initiatives (BRI) of China will support the economic transformation of Nepal, expanding its connectivity to the global market.

KATHMANDU, April 27: President Bidya Bhandari has said that the development of ‘Trans-Himalayan Multi-Dimensional Connectivity Network’, including Nepal-China Cross-Border Railway, will boost connectivity not only between Nepal and China but other countries in the region.

On BRI, prioritize Nepal’s needs

April 24, 2019 02:00 am

President Bidya Devi Bhandari is leaving for a state visit to China today to participate in the second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, being held in Beijing.

KATHMANDU, April 23: Dismissing suggestions that Nepal could fall into a Chinese debt trap if it chose to take loans under the Belt and Road Initiatives (BRI), Minister for Foreign Affairs Pradeep Kumar Gyawali has said that such suggestions were motivated by bias.

New era, new opportunities

April 22, 2019 01:30 am

BRI is not a “debt trap” but an “economic pie” that benefits local population. It is not a “geopolitical tool” but a great opportunity for shared development

Changing dynamics

April 11, 2019 01:30 am

It won’t be surprising to witness Indo-Pacific cooperation and BRI coexist and mutually support one another, rather than lock their horns in a mutually defeating contest

AMMAN, April 8: Li Chengwen, ambassador for China-Arab States Cooperation Forum Affairs of China's Foreign Ministry, refuted on Sunday the criticism that China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) will create so-called "debt trap" for some participating countries.

WELLINGTON, April 4: Jacinda Ardern has concluded her first official visit to China since becoming New Zealand's prime minister in October 2017, saying her country welcomes investment from Chinese enterprises and pledging to create a favorable business environment without discrimination against any enterprise from any country.

CHINA, March 27: China Development Bank (CDB) has provided financing of over $190 billion for more than 600 projects of the “Belt and Road” infrastructure plan since 2013, CDB President Zheng Zhijie told the Boao Forum on Wednesday.

KATHMANDU, March 12: Experts from India, Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka on Tuesday highlighted contemporary security and economic challenges in the Indo-Pacific region.

KATHMANDU, Feb 27: China has strongly objected to the remarks of a visiting senior US Defense Department official that projects under the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in Nepal and elsewhere are primarily aimed at serving the interests of China, calling the remarks 'irresponsible' and 'fabricated rumors.'

KATHMANDU, Dec 29: A book discussion on "Importance of BRI and BBIN for South Asia' was organized by the Centre for South Asian Studies (CSAS) in the capital recently.

Dithering on BRI

December 23, 2018 01:00 am

Narrative of debt trap and specter of colonialism have been deliberately raised to downplay the importance of BRI in this region