KATHMANDU, May 30: The anticipated warm-up match between Nepal and America has been called off due to rain. Even though the toss took place in Dallas, the game was canceled after the rain did not stop.

America had yet to really understand sexual harassment when Anita Hill testified against Clarence Thomas in front of an all-male Senate panel in October 1991. He was confirmed to the Supreme Court anyway, but Hill’s work was just beginning

DALLAS, May 1: Disneyland reopened on Friday and cruise lines welcomed the news that they could be sailing again in the U.S. by midsummer, as the number of Americans fully vaccinated against COVID-19 reached another milestone: 100 million.

G.I. Joe Trotsky

April 23, 2021 10:22 am

NEW YORK – Leon Trotsky may not claim a mass following nowadays, but the revolutionary tactics that he pioneered remain very much in use, and not only by communists or in today’s Russia, where they are called “political technology.” One such tactic, known as “entryism” – when members of an extremist group join, subvert, and ultimately take over a more powerful organization, which they then use as a political weapon – has gained adherents among far-right groups in the United States. Their target: America’s military.

The limits to America’s pent-up demand

February 25, 2021 08:15 am

With the snapback for durables likely to be finished soon, even rapid vaccination is unlikely to shorten the tough time that lies ahead for the post-pandemic US economy.

America is (sort of) back

February 21, 2021 08:47 am

The days of US hegemony are over, and America’s dysfunctional political system is incapable of countering China’s development strategy even by upgrading its own obsolete infrastructure.

Can Joe Biden’s America be trusted?

December 8, 2020 07:00 am

Americans, including Biden, will still face allies’ concerns about whether they can be trusted not to elect another Trump in 2024 or 2028.

BEIJING/SHANGHAI, Aug 4:  China vowed on Tuesday to retaliate if the United States persisted with “hostile action” against Chinese journalists who may be forced to leave in coming days if their U.S. visas are not extended.

BRUSSELS, June 15: Far more people around the world think China has responded well to the COVID-19 pandemic than those who think the United States has done a good job, a poll by the Alliance of Democracies Foundation showed on Monday.

ZURICH/GENEVA, June 12: The Americas are bearing the brunt of the global coronavirus pandemic at present, the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Friday, with North and South America currently having four of the 10 worst hit countries in the world.

In quarantine, in America

May 3, 2020 12:41 pm

Too much freedom spoils a country and its characters. I have evolved as an unstable character since I started working from home beginning mid-March because of stay-at-home orders owing to the coronavirus pandemic. My workspace keeps changing from couch to study table to dining table to the kitchen island to deck depending on my mood. I can occupy any space I want anytime. Had it not been for the coronavirus, I would be working from a space that is neither assigned nor reserved to me.

America’s nightmare moment

April 11, 2020 09:01 am

America has lived through many pandemics most of which have had economic and political ramifications. The current COVID- 19 pandemic has had additional psychological dimensions to it. It has evolved to be extremely devastating for America. The public health crisis has surpassed the worst nightmares experienced in recent history since World War II.

How America Can Beat COVID-19

March 9, 2020 11:00 am

AUSTIN – When the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, the United States was surprised and unprepared, but it was quickly freed of its illusions. The same does not hold true for the COVID-19 epidemic. The attack is underway and our defenses are down—but so far our illusions remain intact.

Feb 18: Barraged by hundreds of sex-abuse lawsuits, the Boy Scouts of America filed for bankruptcy protection Tuesday in hopes of working out a potentially mammoth victim compensation plan that will allow the hallowed, 110-year-old organization to carry on.

WASHINGTON, Jan 30: The spotlight on brain injuries suffered by American troops in Iraq this month is an example of America’s episodic attention to this invisible war wound, which has affected hundreds of thousands over the past two decades but is not yet fully understood.

BAGHDAD, Jan 24: Thousands of Iraqis rallied at two central Baghdad intersections on Friday after a prominent cleric called for a “million strong” protest against the American military presence, following the U.S. killing of an Iranian general and an Iraqi militia chief.

Coming nuclear crises

November 25, 2019 08:24 am

NEW YORK – Until just a few years ago, it looked as if the problem posed by nuclear weapons had been successfully managed, if not solved. American and Russian nuclear stockpiles had been reduced substantially from their Cold War highs, and arms-control agreements were in place that limited both intermediate- and long-range systems. But all of this now could come undone.

NEW YORK, Sept 12: People who were too young on 9/11 to even remember their lost loved ones, and others for whom the grief is still raw, paid tribute with wreath-layings and the solemn roll call of the dead Wednesday as America marked the 18th anniversary of the worst terror attack on U.S. soil.

With flower crowns and beauty pageant sashes, Prabal Gurung asked a fundamental question of the day: Who gets to be an American?

BANEPA, Aug 15: The government has confirmed the entry of the American fall armyworm in Nepal.

The topic of gun violence has been back in the headlines this past week after back-to-back mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton, but sadly it's a topic that has surfaced repeatedly throughout the year. In separate discussions, both Corey Taylor and Nikki Sixx have added their thoughts to the conversation.

WASHINGTON DC, July 23: America in the summer of 1919 ran red with blood from racial violence, and yet today, 100 years later, not many people know it even happened.

As they clash to conquer

July 11, 2019 01:30 am

Until Sino-US rivalry drags on, both China and America will try to have Nepal in their fold. How should Nepal respond?

America in the crossfire

June 27, 2019 00:30 am

If anybody is going to convince Trump to change course, it is probably corporate America. But, when it comes to Trump, there is no such thing as a sure thing

MOSCOW, June 25: Three astronauts safely returned to Earth on Tuesday after spending more than six months aboard the International Space Station.

Global consequences

May 27, 2019 00:30 am

The global consequences of a Sino-American cold war would be even more severe than those of the Cold War between the US and the Soviet Union

Is America tired of losing?

May 20, 2019 01:00 am

In 2016, Trump promised Americans that he would negotiate so many great deals on their behalf that they would get “tired of winning.” Now Americans are probably growing quite tired

American soft power

May 12, 2019 00:30 am

There is every reason to hope that the US will recover its soft power after Trump

KATHMANDU, May 7: The result of the American Electronic Diversity Visa (EDV) for the year 2020 will be published on Tuesday evening after 9:45 Nepali time.

False narrative on China

April 30, 2019 01:00 am

Fixation on China as an existential threat to American Dream has led to tit-for-tat tariffs, escalating security threats and warnings of a new cold war

China’s feet of clay

April 7, 2019 02:05 am

CAMBRIDGE – Chinese President Xi Jinping seems to be on a roll. He has sent a rocket to the dark side of the moon, built artificial islands on contested reefs in the South China Sea, and recently enticed Italy to break ranks with its European partners and sign on to China’s Belt and Road Initiative. Meanwhile, US President Donald Trump’s unilateralist posture has reduced America’s soft power and influence.

A group of American hackers who once worked for U.S. intelligence agencies helped the United Arab Emirates spy on a BBC host, the chairman of Al Jazeera and other prominent Arab media figures during a tense 2017 confrontation pitting the UAE and its allies against the Gulf state of Qatar.

CAPE CANAVERAL, March 2: America’s newest capsule for astronauts rocketed Saturday toward the International Space Station on a high-stakes test flight by SpaceX.

KATHMANDU, Feb 20: Virginia's lawmakers have agreed to a proposal to support Buddha Jayanti as the International Meditation Day.

Taunting America

February 7, 2019 01:30 am

Why did Nepal Communist Party have to spew venoms on America while even Russia and China, the countries the US considers as arch-rivals, even enemies, were responding so cautiously?

Face reality on China

January 23, 2019 00:30 am

America’s national interests would be far better served by facing reality and accommodating China’s rise

KATHMANDU, Jan 11: Admiral Philip S Davidson, Commander of the United States Indo-Pacific Command, has arrived in Kathmandu on Thursday by a special plane to meet senior leaders leadership and the chief of Nepal Army.

Dec 21: 6 things to know by 6 PM today

December 21, 2018 18:00 pm

Your daily dose of missed important news of the day.

Fading American footprints

December 3, 2018 01:30 am

The strategic position that Nepal occupies in the fast-changing global context might add to Washington’s interests here

America is watching

November 29, 2018 01:30 am

Nepal will have to watch not only how India is responding to Nepal’s engagement with China but also be mindful that United States is watching us as much

America’s self-defeating China policy

November 1, 2018 00:30 am

After decades of globalization and technological progress, countries are more interconnected than ever, with policy decisions made in one country having far-reaching spillover effects

America’s Inflation Risks

October 30, 2018 00:30 am

Not surprisingly, this pattern has been slow to emerge in the current cycle, largely owing to an unusually weak post-crisis economic recovery

The end of America’s China fantasy

October 28, 2018 01:00 am

America’s “China fantasy,” as James Mann calls it, was exemplified by Bill Clinton’s argument in favor of allowing China’s admission to the World Trade Organization

Alltech opens country office in Nepal

October 26, 2018 06:58 am

KATHMANDU, Oct 26: Alltech, an American company specializing in the production of feed additives, on Thursday opened its country office at Bhanimandal in Lalitpur.

China, Japan, and Trump’s America

October 9, 2018 01:00 am

It is difficult to remember that a little over two decades ago, many Americans feared being overtaken by Japan, not China

NEW YORK, Sept 27: “America’s Got Talent” ended its summer run last week with the most-watched entertainment programs on television since May, although its popularity dipped this summer.

Sept 1: Two farewells, both reflecting distinct but uniquely American cultures.

Alice G Wells is the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary at the Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs of the US Department of State.

MINNEAPOLIS, Aug 16: President Donald Trump, meet Ilhan Omar.

BEIJING, July 11: Chinese President Xi Jinping has promised a massive financial package of loans and aid to Middle Eastern nations, aimed at boosting the region's economy and stability, while US influence in the region is seemingly fading.