KATHMANDU, July 10: Some firms have started showing interest to operate commercial ship in the international waters following the establishment of a shipping office in Nepal.
Two business groups have shown their willingness to operate commercial ships carrying the Nepali national flag. These groups have approached the Nepal Shipping Office at Lalitpur for acquiring company license for registration purpose.
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The companies can operate ships only after acquiring license from the Shipping Office. Office registrar Rishiram Koirala confirmed that two proposed companies had come for acquiring license expressing their interest in operating commercial ships. "Two companies have already come to us for operating the national flag-carrier commercial ships. But we have not been able to provide the license to these companies for lack of the required Act and Regulations. The company people have also said that they will support us in the necessary legislation as well," Koirala said.
According to him, the Office is formulating the required legislation for operating Nepali flag-carrier ships in the international waterways. He said the existing Act on Operation of Ship is already anachronistic as it was made 49 years back and does not incorporate the present international laws.
The office is in the process of formulating an integrated legislation on ship operation and shipping. He said it will take 10 months more until the integrated Act is legislated and license could be issued for operating ships carrying Nepali national flag.