“When I was in the village, I used to do household chores and take care of my son. After 10 years of settling in Kathmandu, I have started doing Thanka. It has been three years now since I have been learning and painting Thanka. Earlier, I was mostly engaged with my child, who is 14 now,” said Devi Lama, 35, from Ramechhap.
Painting a perspective

She is currently residing in Kobahal, Lalitpur. “My husband taught me to paint Thanka. He supported me to do this, and now we support our family together. Thanka is an art form that takes a lot of effort. You also need to be devoted and have a peaceful state of mind. You paint sitting in the same place for long. Your back hurts and there is strain in the eyes. It takes from three weeks to one month to finish one Thanka for me,” added Lama.