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New strong quake hits Indonesia, levels buildings – reports

LOMBOK, Aug 9: The devastated Indonesian island of Lombok was hit by a new shallow earthquake on Thursday, when a 6-magnitude tremor reportedly caused buildings to collapse and people to flee in panic.
Rescue workers and soldiers search for earthquake victims in Pemenang, Indonesia. August 8, 2018 | Photo: Antara Foto Agency / Reuters
By Agencies

LOMBOK, Aug 9: The devastated Indonesian island of Lombok was hit by a new shallow earthquake on Thursday, when a 6-magnitude tremor reportedly caused buildings to collapse and people to flee in panic.

The quake damaged houses and sent people running into the streets, a spokesperson for Indonesia’s Disaster Mitigation Agency wrote on Twitter.

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Gempa susulan dengan kekuatan 6,2 SR mengguncang Lombok dengan intensitas gempa dirasakan V-VI MMI (sedang-kuat) pada 9/8/2018 pukul 12.25 WIB. Masyarakat panik berhamburan keluar rumah. Beberapa bangunan tambah rusak. Masyarakat tambah trauma dengan gempa. pic.twitter.com/oFwQ1wBM12

— Sutopo Purwo Nugroho (@Sutopo_PN) August 9, 2018



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