NC Prez Deuba calls office-bearers meeting

Published On: June 30, 2024 08:16 PM NPT By: Republica  | @RepublicaNepal

KATHMANDU, June 30: Nepali Congress (NC) President Sher Bahadur Deuba has called a meeting of the party’s office-bearers on Monday.

NC Chief Secretary Krishna Prasad Paudel said that Deuba has called a meeting of the office-bearers at his residence in Budhanilkantha, scheduled for Monday at 3 PM.

"The meeting will examine recent political developments, including the upcoming central committee meeting and the status of affiliated organizations," he said.

Paudel said, "The terms of some sister organizations expired yesterday (Saturday). The meeting will also cover other key political issues."

Earlier, NC President Deuba met with CPN-UML Chairman KP Sharma Oli for three hours on Saturday afternoon, leading to the decision to call the office-bearers' meeting.


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