KATHMANDU, June 2: The government has marked 25 goods and services as essential goods and services, adding three more services to the list.
The newly-added areas of essential goods and services are related to services to be provided by the Department of Consular Services and the Department of Passport, and internet service. By incorporating the given goods and services in the lists of essential items, the government has imposed a ban on any sort of strike in these areas that can cause disruptions in production, supply, sale and distribution of these goods and services.
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The Ministry of Home Affairs, publishing a notice in the Nepal Gazette on Sunday, expanded the list of essential goods and services.
Last year, the government added weather forecast, flood forecast and early warning information system; surgical mask and hand sanitiser production and veterinary services to the list.
As per the Essential Services Operation Act, anyone found guilty of violating the law is subjected to face a cash fine of Rs 1,000 or an imprisonment of up to one year or both.