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Busting makeup myths

There are millions of makeup tutorial videos and articles on the internet, but your skin needs a comprehensive care.  Any bad makeup advice can damage your skin.
By Aditya Neupane

Who doesn’t want to look good? All of us want to be noticed in the crowd. Whether it’s a daily light makeup or heavy cosmetics for special occasions, we all try our best to look amazing. However, everyone cannot afford the services of a beautician for their day to day grooming, thus left out to pamper their skins on their own. But nobody wants to damage their endearing skin and keep checking online for options. There are millions of makeup tutorial videos and articles on the internet, but your skin needs a comprehensive care.  Any bad makeup advice can damage your skin.

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Beware of myths

  1. Palm and fist are the best part to test foundation

  2. Eyeliner causes dark circle

  3. Makeup promotes acne

  4. Water proof mascara is the best

  5. People with lighter skin tone don’t need makeup


Wanna know more about these myths? Well! You can click on the video above for detail:

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