Prices of popular vegetables like tomato (big and small), potato red, French beans, pointed gourd, sword bean, onion green, carrot, cabbage, red cabbage, cauliflower, bitter gourd and garlic dry have dropped in range of Rs 2 to Rs 20 per kg.[break]
Kalimati Fruits and Vegetables Market Development Board (KFVMDB) -- a government authority that oversees the management of the Kalimati vegetables market -- attributed the drop in prices to the end of festivals and rise in supply of vegetables in the market.
Binaya Shrestha, senior planning officer at KFVMDB, told Republica that around 500 tons of vegetables are entering the market every day. Prices had soared last week mainly as supply had dwindled due to disturbances in vehicles movement in Tarai districts.
Price of pointed gourd and cauliflower has dropped to Rs 42 per kg each from Rs 62 per kg recorded a week ago. Likewise, the price of sword bean has dropped to Rs 85 from Rs 100 per kg, whereas the price of mushroom has dropped to Rs 500 per kg from Rs 700 per kg in a week´s time.
However, the price of round brinjal, red cabbage, mustard leaf, spinach leaf, dry chilly, cress leaf and squash remained unchanged during the period.

“Thanks to rise in production and end of festivals, price of most of the vegetables has gone down,” Shrestha said, expecting further drop in vegetable prices in the days to come if the supply side strengthened.

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