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Exit poll results for Provincial Assembly of Kathmandu

Exit poll results for Provincial Assembly of Kathmandu
By Republica

44% of the voters in Kathmandu-1 (Ka) think that NC candidate Deependra Shrestha will be the winner. Another 25% say Samikchya Baskota (Bibeksheel-Sajha) will win in their area.

39% of voters in Kathmandu-1 (Kha) say that Suraj Chandra Lamichhane (NC) will win; while 25% pick Ganesh Prasad Dulal (CPN-UML) as the winner. However, 23% are unsure as to who the winner will be.

It is a tie (31% to 30%) between Sanu Kumar Shrestha (CPN-UML) and LokeshDhakal (NC) in Kathmandu-2 (Ka).

In Kathmandu-3 (Ka), 41% of voters pick Ramesh Kumar Pudasaini (Bibeksheel-Sajha) as the probable winner. Tshering Dorji Lama (NC) was mentioned by 34% of voters and 21% said Rudra Bahadur Baraili (CPN-Maoist Centre) will win.

38% of voters think BimalThakuri (NC) will win in Kathmandu-3 (Kha). 22% mentioned RameshworPhuyal (CPN-UML), 13% SadhuramKuikel (RPP-Democrat), and 8% Mahesh Kumar Shrestha (Bibeksheel-Sajha). But, 19% are unsure who the winner will be.

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Voters have mixed views as to who will win in Kathmandu-4 (Ka): 36% mention Dipesh Shrestha Baidya (BibeksheelSajha), 28% NarottamBaidya (NC), and 23% NirmalKuikel (CPN-UML).

In Kathmandu-4 (Kha), it is a close race (33% to 32%) between SadhuramKhadka (NC) and Kusum Kumar Karki (BibeksheelSajha).

Voters are divided between three candidates in Kathmandu-5 (Ka)—36% pick Narayan Bahadur Silwal (CPN-UML), 28% Rama Poudyal (NC), and 25% think RamhariAdhikari (Bibeksheel-Sajha) will win.

Ramesh Kumar Khadka of NC (36%) and Deepak Niraula of CPN-UML (33%) are the two candidates that Kathmandu-5 (Kha) voters’ pick as the probable winners in their area.

In Kathmandu-6 (Ka), 45% of voters think KeshavSthapit (CPN-UML) will win. The other two candidates mentioned are Nuchhe Narayan Manandhar (NC) who 27% of voters pick as the winner and Bimala Devi Adhikari of Bibeksheel-Sajha (17%).

41% of voters in Kathmandu-6 (Kha) think Yogendra Raj Sangroula (CPN-UML) will win, whereas 26% mention VishnubhaktaTimilsina (NC) and 14% mention Ajit Khadka (Bibeksheel-Sajha). Eighteen percent do not know who might win.

Basanta Prasad Manandhar of CPN-UML (36%) and Bijaya Bahadur Mali of the NC (30%) are the favorites among voters in Kathmandu-7 (Ka). 18% mention BikashRanjit (BibeksheelSajha) and a further 16% of voters are unsure who might win.

Just over half (54%) of voters in Kathmandu-8 (Ka) feel Rajya Laxmi Shrestha (NC) will win. 29% pick Rajesh Shakya (CPN-UML) and 10% Anil Tuladhar (BibeksheelSajha).

In Kathmandu-8 (Kha), it is a close tie between Dev RatnaDangol (NC) and Asta Laxmi Shakya (CPN-UML)—(40% to 37%)—when voters are asked to pick who they think will win.

While similar shares of voters think AjayaKrantiShakya of CPN-UML (32%) and IndramanTuladhar of Nepali Congress (29%) will win; 19% do not know who the winner might be in Kathmandu-9 (Ka).

44% of voters in Kathmandu-10 (Ka) say Dilip Mahajan (CPN Maoist Centre) will be the winner in their area. Another 30% mention PukarMaharjan (NC). Additionally, 17% are unsure who the winner will be.

Since the sample size for the following were below what was required when a (ka) and b (Kha) for the province was split, did not publish the results of Province Assembly 2 (Kha), 7(Kha), 9(Kha) and 10(Kha). 


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