I wondered for
How many centuries
These narrow alleys might have
Existed and the people
Who lived here with Gods and Deities
With a life so divinely inspired to festivities
Celebrated in devotion to those Divine-beings!!
Whenever I ramble through
These nostalgic alleyways
Of Patan, I feel I’m in Paradise
Greeted with smiles of grannies
At their carved windows
Stuccos, porticos and maze-like
Paths as if in form of serpent gods
And amazing courtyards
That’s so spacious and cosy
Filled with denizens so mushy!!
KMC installs dry risers in Kathmandu’s narrow alleys where fire...
Even the sun dared to bother
To enter into
Its boundaries but casted
Golden rays with the rims of antique houses
A piece of haven
Have you ever strolled through
These nostalgic alleys?
If not
Then you’ve definitely
A piece of paradise
On the earth!!!