Basanta Lohani
My City, Gen-Next, Slammed

A designated driver is the king of steering,
If not, the kingmaker
He steers the car
The companions inside rely on him,
He chats with all, being focused
No hocus-pocus
He reaches them to destination
Aug 14, 2023

My City, Gen-Next, Slammed

Her efforts to move fade pale
She becomes still,
the starving little girl.
The vulture scans and swoops down
But the vulture cannot claw
to make its feast
The starving little girl is alive
She's still, but still breathing
The vulture waits behind her.
Jul 21, 2023

My City, Gen-Next, Article
The pretty girl
The pretty girl

A little girl was very pretty. So pretty that grandfather addressed her as 'My little princess' She was fond of wearing nice dresses. On a party day, she would carefully choose her dress for the occasion as soon as she got up in the morning.
Jun 23, 2023

My City, Gen-Next, Slammed
Lotus-eyed glance
Lotus-eyed glance

The newborn gets flooded
So cries to survive
on the lap of mother
But laps no language
However, no wild cry
As mother listens to console
Jun 02, 2023

My City, Gen-Next, Slammed
The Journey Continues
The Journey Continues

Thank you, Mohan Da
A sustained feeling you extended
In the interconnected fleeting moments
The togetherness forms the transience we call life
It has no beginning nor end
May 23, 2023

My City, Gen-Next, Slammed
Right or wrong?
Right or wrong?
Right or wrong?
May 09, 2023
My City, Gen-Next, Slammed
I’m angry
I’m angry

Straight I tell you my friends
I am angry now
My anger could spit fire
Like a volcano
To chase away the grave centered vultures
Hovering over my land
Oct 09, 2022

My City, Gen-Next, Slammed

Your humility holds me spellbound
Simplicity grips me further
Having just come out
from a closed door arena
Filled with intellectual fumes
Sep 12, 2022

My City, Gen-Next, Slammed

Nature smiled
Her contours appeared blissful
Grandeur and bountiful
She allures me
Into a meditative state
Jul 29, 2022

My City, Gen-Next, Slammed

I allowed him to misuse me
Because of my much wider wings of friendship
He thought it was my reliance on his inherited intellectuality
Can intellectuality be inherited?
Jun 20, 2022