Bill of flaws

Published On: July 29, 2019 12:30 AM NPT By: Roshani Giri

For sure, Nepal needs some level of media regulation to check or at least control bad media practices and lack of discipline but proposed bill does not help

Women on top in democracies

Published On: July 28, 2019 02:00 AM NPT By: Nina L. Khrushcheva

In today’s world, men continue to hold disproportionate power. But, judging by the fast-growing number of women on the political stage, the days of male supremacy are numbered

Sexism syndrome

Published On: July 28, 2019 01:30 AM NPT By: Prashant Gnawali

We don’t need macho men or bra-burning women to fight sexism. We need parents who teach us how sexism is holding back our society from leaping to the road of progress

Whither disaster preparedness?

Published On: July 28, 2019 01:00 AM NPT By: Som Nath Ghimire

Enforcing disaster preparedness is still a far cry in Nepal. Our efforts have been mostly focused on response. And response mechanism is activated only in time of emergency

What does Biplav want?

Published On: July 28, 2019 12:30 AM NPT By: Thaneshwor Chalise

Biplav’s outfit has ended up becoming the subject of public hatred. His armed political activism needs an urgent shift toward social activism

How do we move forward with #RageAgainstRape?

Published On: July 27, 2019 01:05 AM NPT By: Hima Bista

Silence of the state, in the name of impunity, exists at the highest levels in Nepal. Activists fighting for a better Nepal get disheartened because justice has been delayed, again and again.

No chopper for women

Published On: July 27, 2019 12:25 AM NPT By: Hemant Arjyal

As we all know, it would be difficult for women, or even men for that matter, to manage without a chopper in the kitchen. But even if this piece is not about the kitchen thing, I will get back to it later. As for the term, Americans found it logical to call helicopter a “chopper” as its rotor made “chop, chop” like sound more so because of long blades and slow rotation.

Alternative way of healing

Published On: July 27, 2019 12:05 AM NPT By: Maddie Gaynor

As you wander through the narrow pathway at Swayambhunath Stupa, the Monkey Temple, you may hear an unfamiliar ringing, almost like a bell. This sound is none other than that of the Tibetan Singing Bowls which are used for the practice of healing bowl therapy. In the United States, alternative medicine is not the most popular form of healing. So, I was intrigued by the use of this centuries-old practice. I was able to sit down with Shyam Shakya, someone who has been practicing this since childhood, to talk about the art of healing bowl therapy.

Localizing knowledge production

Published On: July 25, 2019 01:30 AM NPT By: Shyam Sharma

Universities in developing countries must create new knowledge as their primary mission, especially for social progress and in the national interest

Digitalizing farming

Published On: July 25, 2019 01:00 AM NPT By: Ajaya Kusum Adhikari

Digitalizing farming process by providing farmers access to the internet can help solve most of the problems facing Nepali farmers, including improving competitiveness in farming