Worth its salts

Published On: May 23, 2017 12:45 AM NPT By: Republica

Jeevan Jal, the one-time signature product of Nepal Drugs Limited (NDL), has hit domestic markets again.

Let’s do this

Published On: May 22, 2017 12:45 AM NPT By: Republica

As the country gears up for the second phase of local election on June 14, there continue to be doubts if the scheduled election will take place on time.

Pardoning murder

Published On: May 20, 2017 12:45 AM NPT By: Republica

Both the Supreme Court and the National Human Rights Commission have unambiguously said, and repeatedly, that the government cannot withdraw criminal charges against those accused of serious human rights violations

Old story

Published On: May 18, 2017 12:45 AM NPT By: Republica

Even in normal times, Janak Education Material Center (JEMC), the state-owned publishing house, struggles to print the 20 million textbooks required for students of Grades 6 to 10.

Better and better

Published On: May 17, 2017 12:45 AM NPT By: Republica

Forecasts about the economy should always be taken with a pinch (or two) of salt. Nonetheless, it is hard not to be optimistic when credible international institutions repeatedly increase the country’s growth forecast.

Long road

Published On: May 16, 2017 12:45 AM NPT By: Republica

Nepal is now an official member of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s signature Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), also known as ‘One Belt One Road’ (OBOR).

Stamps of approval

Published On: May 15, 2017 12:45 AM NPT By: Republica

No election in Nepal has been completely peaceful so sporadic clashes, likes the ones that took place on Sunday, resulting in the death of one person in Dolakha, were to be expected.

Go vote

Published On: May 13, 2017 02:00 AM NPT By: Republica

Every way you look at it, Sunday will be a historic day in the annals of Nepali democracy. Local level election is being held in Nepal after a gap of 20 years and in the first phase on May 14, up to five million eligible voters will go to the 6,642 polling booths spread across three federal provinces.

Be prepared

Published On: May 11, 2017 12:25 AM NPT By: Republica

It is most unfortunate that even as half of the country votes in the first phase of local election on May 14, the fate of the second phase poll, initially scheduled for June 14, is still unclear.

Where to, madam?

Published On: May 10, 2017 12:45 AM NPT By: Republica

In 1998, the then-President of India, K.R. Narayanan, wowed his countrymen when he queued up with ordinary voters to cast his vote in the 12th Lok Sabha election.